Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!


Staff member
E3 is a competition, right? A winner is chosen every year?

In that case, EA is clearly the winner already. Mirror's Edge 2 and a long overdue successor to Star Wars: Battlefront.


Flameo, hotmen!

More seriously, I recommend thread hijacking to turn this into a place to talk about your favorite announcements/displays/etc. from E3 rather than starting up the ol' E3 Hatetrain. ^__^

PS I've actually been paying next to no attention to E3 stuff so far, but I heard those two announcements, and they make me happy even if EA isn't my most favoritest of companies. Mirror's Edge is very high on my list of games I admire, and Battlefront... actually, I'm not even that excited about it now that I think about it; I just find it overdue.
I really thought the new dead rising looked very good! A open world zombie survival, sounds amazing, ik there are pc games like this such as day z! But the scale of zombies were crazy! I'm also interested it the new Xbox version of minecraft so see if they are gonna make it very similar to the PC! But the best thing that I saw they were gonna continue to make games for the 360! I'm interested in the Xbox one( none of the negetives effect me even tho I do see y people are angry about it) but I'm probably gonna wait till the games I'm interested in drops!
For all I know, Battlefront 3 is all that was announced during this iteration of E3. I don't care. That makes it worth it. The dance I did when the announcement came out was incredible. I probably would have won a dancing competition.
I really want to know what Sony is doing with the PS4. I've never been a fan of the PlayStation, but with what MS did with the XBone, I'm behind Sony this time around.
Sony just curb stomped Microsoft. Used games, no internet authentication or requirements, and $100 cheaper ($399 price point). Not to mention Kingdom Hearts III and Destiny. I am going to happily hand over my moneys for that.
I'm probably gonna buy both, PS4 at first then the Xbox one when halo 5 drops. I prefer Xbox for online gaming but we will have to see about the architecture for the ps4, hopefully they fixed what was wrong with the ps3. There was such a noticeable latency when I played online on the PS3 then the 360. Did anyone watch the assassins creed and destiny demos I'm just wondering if it was my phone lagging or the game?
that would be the game lagging. And also pretty much the only reason I actually believed that was actual in game footage.

[Edit:] Oh, and Sony also posted an Instructional Video about how to share used games on the PS4.
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Yes, I own a PlayStation 1, 2, and 3 (the 1 and 2 I bought used; the 3 was a very kind gift from Keero, Grey, and Gator). No, I do not own an Xbox or an Xbox 360. (I had originally planned to buy a 360 until the RROD debacle scared me off. When I received a PS3 as a gift, my allegiance was sealed.)

In short: Yes, I am biased.

But oh my wow, Sony just annihilated Microsoft this year.

Let's recap:
  1. No 24-hour check-in requirement
  2. Able to sell, trade, or keep game discs forever
  3. Final Fantasy XV AND Kingdom Hearts 3 (Please note I'm not a fan of either series, but I recognize the wide appeal of each)
  4. Elder Scrolls Online
  5. Indies can self-publish
If I had a mic right now, I would drop it.

I would like to add this is my opinion on next-gen consoles. I still think PC, as a platform, is positioned to outshine both Xbox One and PS4 this generation, but I'll save that for another thread.
I would like to add this is my opinion on next-gen consoles. I still think PC, as a platform, is positioned to outshine both Xbox One and PS4 this generation, but I'll save that for another thread.

Provided Windows 8 doesn't kill it too much.

Admittedly, it would have been more difficult for Sony to out-stupid Microsoft than to out-shine them.

I'm glad they didn't choose the former because I'm getting to where I can afford a new console (new, not just to me) and Microsoft wants to sell me their rendition of HAL 9000. No thanks.
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Yup, if I go next-gen console, it'll be PS4.

One thing they did quietly announce was the change to having to pay for PS+ before you can play online. They haven't delved into it, but we can't really complain when we compare it to the Xbox One NSA watching and listening device.
New winner of E3: Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU with Villager of Animal Crossing... AND MEGA MAN!
New winner of E3: Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU with Villager of Animal Crossing... AND MEGA MAN!

I feel like skipping XBone and PS4 and getting a WiiU now. I have a gaming rig, so anything hardcore can be played there. WiiU for chilling on the couch with the kids.