

New Member
Hey guys,

I am going to be at a programing contest all day and I would just ask for prayer for our team that we may have tons of fun and bring glory to God. (we wouldn't mind doing well either :) )

Hey guys,

I am going to be at a programing contest all day and I would just ask for prayer for our team that we may have tons of fun and bring glory to God. (we wouldn't mind doing well either :) )

Programing contest huh? that sounds cool, can we have a linky please?
You wouldn't happen to be part of the five state midwest region would you?

The College of the Ozarks programming teams (I think we have three) are off today for a programming contest and I can't wait until next semester when I'll be competing.

Best of luck to ya!
How'd it go for you?

I know our groups didn't do as well as they hoped (though our rookie C group beat our slightly more experienced B group...)
lol half our team couldn't make it. However, we had a great time and had a ton of fun with the group next to us.