Content Patch before WotLK


New Member
Per Eyonix:

With the release of Wrath of the Lich King approaching, we wanted to provide you with some important information. In preparation for the expansion, we will be issuing a new content patch in the coming weeks. Much like the patch made available shortly before The Burning Crusade's release, this content patch is designed to bridge current game content with that of the expansion and will contain some exciting changes and additions.

We have outlined some of the larger features scheduled to release with the patch below:

New class spells and talents
Stormwind Harbor
Barbershops in capital cities
Zeppelin towers outside of Orgrimmar and Tirisfal Glades
Two brand-new Arenas featuring challenging new layouts, terrain hazards, and moving obstacles
Guild calendar
Hunter pet skill revamp
New profession: Inscription

As mentioned above, this is not a comprehensive list, just some of the major highlights. We’ll post the full patch notes as soon as they’re available. Regarding Inscription, please note that all Burning Crusade players will be able to select Inscription as one of their two professions and level up to a skill level of 375 with it. Upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King, players who purchase and install the expansion will be able to continue leveling in Inscription and the other professions beyond 375.
How can Stormwind have a harbor, it is land locked?????
Looks like we might be able to get rid of guild calendar for the one built in, will have to see how it looks.
And great, I have to decide if I want drop a profession from a character for inscription.
Big looming question: Alchemy or Inscription or Inscribing on my Death Knight (so I can be like all the other Death Knights?)
Stormwind currently is landlocked. They are adding a harbor to it. So I wonder when we will see the construction crews out there. There is are other maps out there that show some minor mountains around it.
Well, there is that underground lake that is between Stormwind and Ironforge that you can see by getting on the tram.

I'm thinking my DeathKnight is probably going Armorsmithing (IF the BOP armor recipes for tanking are back) and that Neirai will go Inscribing.
where will the SW harbor take you? will it connect to places like Theramore as well as the new zones?
I think it's just a zone for players to get to Northrend from and maybe some new quest. Hopefully they'll decide to give stockades some loving while they're at it.
MM Hunter Upgrades - Patch 3.02


My MM Hunter gets some nice upgrades and raid bonuses (copied from the PTR Patch notes):


Combat Experience (Marksmanship): Now grants 3/6% Agility, up from 1/2%.

Distracting Shot: This shot now "taunts" the target onto the Hunter. The taunt effect will last 6 seconds. Distracting Shot now only has one rank (rank 1).

Improved Feign Death (Survival): This talent has been replaced with Survival Tactics. (What is this "Feign Death?")
Improved Hunter's Mark (Marksmanship): Now a 3-point talent, and now increases the amount of attack power granted by your Hunter's Mark ability by 10/20/30% and reduces the mana cost of your Hunter's Mark ability by 33/66/100%.

Loyalty, Training Points and the hunter Beast Training button no longer exist. Hunter pets can now learn all skills at their level. They will get new ranks automatically as they gain levels.

New Talent - Improved Tracking (Survival): Increases all damage done to targets that are being tracked 1/2/3/4/5%.

New Talent - Survival Tactics (Survival): Reduces the chance your Feign Death ability and all trap spells will be resisted by 2/4%, and reduces the cooldown of your Disengage ability by 2/4 sec.
Steady Shot now uses ammo. In result, its bonus damage has been slightly reduced. Players can notice a damage increase based upon what ammo they use. bleh :(
Steady Shot: Now has a 2.0 cast time, up from 1.5. bleh :(

The arming time has been reduced to 1 second, from 2 seconds for all traps.
Trap Mastery (Survival) is now an 11-point talent.
Trueshot Aura - This aura is now raid-wide and now increases all ranged and melee attack power by 10%. In addition, this spell now only has one rank. All other ranks have been removed.