Competition Team try-outs

I'm expecting as many people as show up. And how long it takes will depend on how many people show, although unlikely it will go over 2 hours
can we make a B-Team or something so that the other people who dont make it to A-Team could practice with eachother or something like that?
Server info: Tribe of Judah::Christian CS Private
Password will be: pistol

Try-out info:

The tryouts will consist of multipul man scrimiges (5 per team at max as thats what CAL uses) using CAL league rules. (CAL RULES) After 15 rounds, the teams will me mixed up again. Keep in mind that in real CS competition that your personal score does NOT matter one bit. Complete your objectives to gain points, best out of 30 wins.

Best advice I can give you is:
1) Work with your team to the best of your extent.
2) Have a good attitude.
3) Listen to your leader at all times.
4) Have a good attitude.
5) Don't worry if your having a bad game, and don't be cocky if your having a good game (see rules 2, 4, and 6)
6) Have a good attitude.

If you dont already, get some way to join IRC channels, as we may need to use our ToJ channel if the server gets full to sub people in. Our channel is #toj on gamesurge
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Best advice I can give you is:
1) Work with your team to the best of your extent.
2) Have a good attitude.
3) Listen to your leader at all times.
4) Have a good attitude.
5) Don't worry if your having a bad game, and don't be cocky if your having a good game (see rules 2, 4, and 6)
6) Have a good attitude.

1) No solo-missions? (One kills the opposing team, the other 4 goes to the objective)

2) No comment

3) I assume you'll make the teams balanced/fair?

4) Heh, repeat?

5) Even if their not matured?

6) Heh.

Question on #1: [T = Bomb, CT = camp/protect bomb site] 1 T left, all CT alive and camping, Primary objective: Plant bomb; hope bomb blows, too risky. Secondary objective: Kill all CT?
5pm PST para is a nubx0r and he can't tell the time difference. I always hab to remind him :o

its 7pm Central (for central pplz)
you guys! let it run till after 10..bc...i work till 10 :'( i really wanna come but....grrr better be a response on here before i get home, and i get home at like 10:15...better be a response lol and pw etc etc.. <3 ttul cuz im rambling now
Fine Knickerbockers heres your response... *ahem*... did you like I hope you did it took me like infinity minuters to type!