Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliance - Opinions


This is for any opinions anyone might have on the current incarnation of the C&C franchise.

Being a die-hard C&C fan, I compare any incarnation of the game with the original. As such, when I say that Tiberium Wars is just as good as Tiberium Dawn, I'm serious. So, when Tiberium Twilight came out, I couldn't wait to dive in. Thank God for YouTube. I discovered that at least half of everything that made the original games enjoyable was removed. Don't waste your money.

Tiberium Alliance is the latest incarnation. I'm guessing EA is trying to cash in on MMOs. The game is pretty good. Better than Twilight. However, after playing it for a few weeks, it's starting to look rather lackluster to me. They have resource gathering and allow for base expansion. But, you have to wait an entire day to build up enough resources to upgrade your base. You have the ability to fight enemies. But, the main goal with that is to earn more points to be able to buy better technology. Now, I'm not trashing MMOs for even a second. I'm sure it's got a wide fan base. But, I prefer RTSs.
Most free-to-play MMO games are pay-to-win. EA slapping the C&C name for a quick cash-in on the F2P MMO surge is no surprise. :(
RA 2: Yuri's Revenge was the last true C&C game. I won't play anything with the C&C name until I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will feel it is worthy of the C&C title. That series was my childhood and intro to multiplayer gaming.