Coming soon to a monitor near you

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have not fallen off the face of planet. I recently took the A+ certification test with another Tribe of Judah member (alias "Mad Chengman") and PASSED. That's right! Tek is now officially A+ certified!

Well, enough of that. I need to make this official announcement quickly since I have to leave for work shortly.

I want everyone to know that I am working on official plan and vision statements for both Tribe of Judah and the Christian Gamers Alliance. This will include my hopes and goals for both organizations for the remainder of 2003 and, more than likely, into 2004.

I know that I have not made my presence clear on the forums lately, but I still love running both ToJ and CGA and am very excited about all the upcoming projects and changes.

And yes, I know that the ToJ site is down right now.

So, stay tuned, true believers! And if you have any suggestions for projects, chapters, or other such ideas, please feel free to hijack this thread and post them here.
its programs stuff....... like VB and Java but harder most games i believe are writen in C+ or C++
Ooo shiny. It's acctually Microsoft certification for something or other if I'm not mistaken from my mom going back to school and failing it and stuff. ^_^
[b said:
Quote[/b] (amusedtoe @ June 10 2003,11:22)]Ooo shiny. It's acctually Microsoft certification for something or other if I'm not mistaken from my mom going back to school and failing it and stuff. ^_^
Actually, the A+ certification is created by CompTIA. A+ is to Microsoft certifications as grade school is to college. ^_^;; In other words, getting your MCSE is far more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming than getting your A+.

Still, it should open doors to jobs that were otherwise unavailable to me before.

And yes, I'm still planning out those vision and plan statements. Life has...distracted me lately. I'll post something as soon as I finish the first draft.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (amorphus88 @ June 11 2003,6:19)]I thought Tek was just a figment of my imagination, a contraption made up by the machine overlords to control us...
Okay, someone's seen Matrix: Reloaded too many times.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (amorphus88 @ June 16 2003,7:39)]nah. I saw it once, and frankly, after seeing Keanu's pasty behind, I don't think I want to see it again.
Yeh, that was pretty nasty. >_<
I'd see it again, sans sex scene. I thought some of the fighting was awesome, but you could tell when it went to CG animation and back again ever so slightly. They did a very good job for what they had to work with in the special effects department.