Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
A few of the points I recently wrote for the upcoming Forum Etiquette Guide are already in the Terms of Service.
From the Christian Gamers Alliance Forums Terms of Service:Tek7 said:Keep your signature short, height-wise. Your complete signature, including all text and images, should be no taller than 150 pixels. I've seen several violations of this basic etiquette rule and it's rather annoying when trying to quickly read threads.
5.Members will not advertise their graphics or websites in an obnoxious manner in their signatures or posts.
From the Christian Gamers Alliance Forums Terms of Service:Tek7 said:Do not, under any circumstances, start a thread entitled "free ipod," "free notebook," or "click here." I reserve the right to reach through the monitor and throttle you if you do. If you're trying to get a free iPod or notebook or whatever, put the relevant link in your signature in plain text. This rule also covers those annoying referer link games like Outwar.
7.Members will not advertise or solicit chain letters, pyramid schemes, "sales pitches," get rich quick scams, etc. This is a nuisance to other members and is illegal.