Collective spammage FTW!

uggh...move them to a pve server ,level them, then come back ;)

I totally don't get this ... I am probably among the 5 WORST peeps on all of Stonemaul at PvP ... actually probably bottom 3 even since Lifebloom was nerfed such that it's even harder for me to run away from that pesky 11-year old on her rogue that's 5 levels less than me. But in the expansion, I have maybe been ganked a total of 10 times ... at the outside, losing an hour of play time.

This is certainly partly due by me leveling after the main surge of players so in general I'm not crawling over others while questing. But that'd be even more true for anyone leveling now.

The only time that ganking was so bad it was a major impediment to leveling was in STV ... ages and ages ago. But it was also kinda comical how bad it was. But to hear Nevi (and Avesther awhile back), talking about PvE servers for leveling ... I just don't get it. The two of you are actually competent ... more than competent at PvP. Is it just the offense of being ganked at all? Maybe that's it, I just don't have any pride and that's why it doesn't bother me as much...

[guarantee: the next 5 times I logged on I will be camped by some Troll shaman and will need extensive dental work around Easter to clean up for all of the tooth grinding I do as I eat my words....]
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I have no idea about this expansion but I was ganked a lot less on my rogue when the main surge of levelling was going on in TBC because there was more of both sides around and they didn't want to start an all out war so we left each other alone and levelled. I got ganked a TON more levelling my pally and 90% of the time it was by 70s flying around griefing people then flying up so the lowbies couldn't band together and fight back hehe.
I just ask for trouble when I'm on my lock....tooooooo tempting to put dots on everything red and hide and watch them die and try to find me. My mage....well I don't fight back...and most altercations are over a mining node.....penguin, tap and run ftw! Not that I haven't been ganked, but its part of the game and I'm used to it. I just get so many requests to help with my pally that I don't have time to level the other 2! I'm not complainiing..I like being needed/wanted.
I think for me, being on a pvp server changes how i grind. IE, on a pvp server i always heal up before i pull, and I never get below 50% mana. When i level my 60 warrior on a pve server, i'll still pull mobs when i'm at 20% hp, cause it's no big deal.
Leveling on a PVE server is ftw, but i would never stay there. PVE servers are for people who sit down when they pee.
Your wife? hehe I have a friend that does the same because his wife doesn't like to clean his mess