Co-GL Election Time: Nominations

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Since everyone likes Tree, I've got him to support my campaign by bribing him with..... um, I mean - wait a minute... He supports my campaign of his own free will!

Right Tree?

**Revs up the chainsaw**

Since everyone likes Tree, I've got him to support my campaign by bribing him with..... um, I mean - wait a minute... He supports my campaign of his own free will!

Right Tree?

**Revs up the chainsaw**


Silly man... and simple trip to Panda Express would get you all the support you need.
Thanks to the nominees! I'm closing the thread now.

Voting information:
1) Send votes via in-game mail to Redballot
2) Vote for ONE name from the above candidates. We are looking for 1 name per ballot. More than 1 name on a ballot will result in the ballot being tossed and your being referred back to elementary school math.
3) Voting will close at NOON on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST. Late votes will not be counted.
4) ONE VOTE PER PLAYER. Not per toon. If you send votes from your main and your alt, both will be disqualified and you will be /gkicked.
5) FYI: the Redballot toon is owned by Shagz. Votes will be counted by Shagz and forwarded to Reco for double-checking.
6) If you have any other questions about process, let me or Reco know.

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