Christian Tips 001 - Praise !


New Member
Gona try this out, give me your guys ideas on it even post your own tips just continue where i left off so like next topic will be Christian Tips 002 - Title.

First one,

What makes you get most excited ? what do you shout for joy for or get overly excited on. Do you talk with you friends about How cool something is and go into nice details about it? Now another question is when you praising god how into do you get ? do you just stand there and do nothing ? do you sing but are not really into it, you might even Jump around and get really into it. One thing we all need to do is get more excited in praising god, if you get overly excited over movies and earlythings and then just stand there when you praise god or not get into it then there is something wrong :p you should be way more exited about god then any of your early items. So next time your praising god just remeber how exited you got over something you have or done and do the same level + more for god !

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Sirius said:
what do you shout for joy for or get overly excited on. Do you talk with you friends about How cool something is and go into nice details about it? Now another question is when you praising god how into do you get ? do you just stand there and do nothing ? do you sing but are not really into it, you might even Jump around and get really into it.

I don't really get excited over anything actually. I may smile or chuckle a little, but I don't raise my voice unless I'm talking to someone across a parking lot or something.

And remember that worship to God has nothing to do with how loud you sing, how high you lift your hands, or anything of the sort. We are supposed to live our lives as worship to God. That means doing what He commanded, and living in a way that honors God before anything else.

Sirius said:
One thing we all need to do is get more excited in praising god, if you get overly excited over movies and earlythings and then just stand there when you praise god or not get into it then there is something wrong :p you should be way more exited about god then any of your early items. So next time your praising god just remeber how exited you got over something you have or done and do the same level + more for god !

You can't base your relationship with God on your emotions. Doing so has dangerous consequences. Your emotions change, and nobody can control them. If your commitment to God is based on how spiritually excited or "pumped" you are, then eventually you will lose that pumped feeling, and you will lose your commitment to God.

Some people avoid this by continually trying to pump themselves up and feel nothing but good emotions all the time. These people always seem false to me-- like they're avoiding the truth or they're lying to themselves. If you want to pretend that life is happy all the time, you certainly can. You might even convince yourself of it. But I find it much better to be realistic. If your faith can't stand by itself, but needs to be continually propped up on how you're feeling, your faith isn't worth any more than your emotions.

We as Christians have to come to the point where we depend on God no matter how pumped we are. We have to know with our whole mind, not just with our emotions, that God is there. Our faith must stand in absence of happy feelings.

P.S. This should maybe go in RD.
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I guess i kinda worded this wrong, What i was meaning to say is more that we should let go of our earthlythings and follow the lord 100 % something along those lines :D
I concur with some of the things Krainiac has stated. Emotionalism is the number one heresy going around churches today. Especially charismatic churches. And we are to live our lives as a worship to God.

But that has little to do with praise. Praise is not the same thing as worship. Praise is the physical and spiritual act of celebrating God's goodness. Honor is the loyalty, devotion and adoration we direct towards God. Similar concepts lightyears apart.

Most of our Biblical examples of praise involve singing, shouting, dancing and playing instruments (most specifically the trumpet). King David is the most famous example of these types of praises.

The only issue I have with them is that Jesus is not recorded as having done them. Jesus worshiped God often, and his devotion, loyatly and adoration of God is evident by His time in Gethesmene. But this excited overt high-energy active praise, I don't remember Christ doing it. That's not to say it's wrong, but I'm saying it's not required, and it runs one oh so close to emotionalism.

Of course, my views are slanted since I have always prefered quiet worship of highly-kinetic praise. This is just one of the numerous things you must discern for yourself with fear and trembling before the Lord, for that is how we are to come to understand our faith.
I think praise depends on the person... Like some people singing Hymns is boring but to others its their favorite.... Everybody has a soft part or a part where you hear it and it just makes you want to cry of joy or something.... Worship is a type of praise, you can praise God not just by singing but with your actions or thoughts...
The other thing about praise that I have not seen mentioned is the sacrifice of praise. For some that may include praising and worshipping our Lord in ways that they may not have worshipped in the past. For others, it may be worshipping the Lord when they really don't want to.

The important thing to remember though, is it is not about us. It is about Him.

I have to admit though, there are time when I do get very excited / passionate about and towards God. It may be something as moving as a sunset or praying for my daughter's stuffed penguin to get over a cold at the same time my daughter does. Regardless, it is an intimate moment shared between God and me. And it is those special moments that help me go and talk to others about God or sustain me through the challenging times. All in all, it helps me to remember Who is watching out for me.

Please feel free to move to RD or Bible Study if needed.

I think that My way of praise is a constant thank you though prayer even when I am down I never cease to praise God for the things he has allowed me to see and for the fellowship I have had the opportunity to enjoy!
I think that My way of praise is a constant thank you though prayer even when I am down I never cease to praise God for the things he has allowed me to see and for the fellowship I have had the opportunity to enjoy!

I agree!