Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak 3 Server live, Mumble server shutting down 8/25

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CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
A while back, I, with input from CGA affiliate leaders and staff, decided to shut down the CGA TeamSpeak 3 Server and make the CGA Mumble Server the sole CGA voice chat server. The decision was not made lightly and was motivated by good intentions: To create One Voice Chat Server To Rule Them All, as I phrased it before.

I chose Mumble over TeamSpeak 3 for many reasons: It's open source, the license is less restrictive, and the Ventrilo users were more willing to switch from Vent to Mumble than they were to use TS3.

I not only examined the evidence before me, I also prayed regarding the decision. At the time, I didn't feel any conviction to not move forward, so I made the call and we shut down the CGA TS3 server.

But recently, I spent several (probably in the range of 10 to 12) hours trying to install Mumble and MumPI (a web-based Mumble control panel and channel viewer) on a new dedicated server supplied by Abba Communications. I was able to get the Mumble server working, but not MumPI. The entire process highlighted Mumble's lack of support for CentOS (the Linux distro we run on the CGA dedicated server) as well as the difficulty of finding current and correct documentation.

In contrast to my 3-night attempt to get Mumble and MumPI working properly, Joshinator installed a TeamSpeak 3 server on Linux from scratch for the first time in a little over an hour.

It's not only technical difficulties that prompted the decision to make the switch: The Forgiven, which previously had a separate TeamSpeak 3 server running on the CGA dedicated server, has agreed to join a unified CGA TS3 server. This was excellent news for me both "professionally" as President of the CGA and personally as I've known Allanon, Neirai, and other TF members for years and I'm really excited about this new development.

I also consulted leaders of other groups that use the CGA Mumble Server most frequently and none objected to the change. Most expressed no preference for either Mumble or TeamSpeak and ensured support for whatever decision I made, which greatly encouraged me.

I understand it's annoying to have to switch back to TeamSpeak 3 after having switched from TS3 to Mumble so recently. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of switching from TS3 to Mumble then back to TS3. I assure you neither change was made without considering the available information or prayer. I also assure you I have no intention to switch from TS3 to Mumble again, especially after enduring such a terrible experience trying to get MumPI working using mostly obsolete, scattered, and incomplete documentation.

Put another way: Rest assured that, failing any dire circumstances, we won't be switching voice chat servers again any time soon, if ever. We will, of course, stay current on changes to TeamSpeak 3 and consider all options when relevant, but I think all of us are ready to stick to one platform for a long while.

The CGA Mumble Server will stay online until Saturday, August 25 to make the transition as smooth as possible and to give Joshinator and I time to update the relevant documents, but the CGA TeamSpeak 3 Server is live at (default port) right now and the official voice chat server of the CGA.

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Woot, TS3 was so much easier to use, and had features I missed, like control over individual people's volume. Sorry you had to go through all the hassle in the mean time, though.
I very much enjoyed using the new server last night. Looking forward to communicating more with other CGAers.
LOL, me too Danny. Well mine weren't exactly super-duper but a few of us had channel admin rights in the GW channels. I'd like to get those back again just for the ability to kick trolls since the server isn't passworded, but no hurry. Tek still needs to finish getting ts set up and get some rest this weekend.
Oh no, I lost my super duper administrator privileges.
With great power comes great responsibility. Do you really want to help me or Joshinator sort out another server permissions mishap? :)
Tek, You know I hate that TS3 and love the Mumbles!
So, I have some questions and statements.

Who is this Abba Communications?
Why Use CentOS instead of some other distro?
We don't need any MumPI..

And why don't we build our own server already, we had(still have?) the monies.
Tek, You know I hate that TS3 and love the Mumbles!
So, I have some questions and statements.

Who is this Abba Communications?
Abba Communications is the company we pay to supply the CGA dedicated server, which runs the web site, forums, and voice chat servers.

Why Use CentOS instead of some other distro?
Because it's rock solid and Mumble/MumPI were the only apps (that I recall) to ever give us this much trouble.

We don't need any MumPI..
We might not need a channel viewer, but I and others definitely want to be able to check a web page and see who's on a voice chat server without loading the client and logging on. We can do that with TS3 and TS Viewer now.

And why don't we build our own server already, we had(still have?) the monies.
Because a new rackmount server would run about $2,000 and we'd still need a company to host the server in a datacenter.

But in this case, you might be thinking of the money ToJ raised for a rackmount server, but never used to purchase hardware due to lack of interest and help selecting a co-location service. ToJ may eventually purchase our own equipment and have it hosted at a datacenter, but we'd need at least a few more game servers up and running to justify the cost. In the meantime, we can just continue to use and add new game servers (say, for Counter-Strike: GO, which runs $20 a month for a 20-slot server at GS) when there's interest.
All I can say is Wow.....

This is a shock to me and well to be honest I am glad everyone is happy with this.

Now I feel like a heal who argued for Mumble. And as such I alienated myself from half the people who liked TS3.

As I said I am glad you guys can be happy with your voice system again.
Now I feel like a heal who argued for Mumble. And as such I alienated myself from half the people who liked TS3.
No worries. I was one of the most vocal proponents for Mumble previously and I'll admit there are features I will miss (such automatic voice normalization), but Mumble's issues with CentOS make TeamSpeak a better solution for our hosting environment.

When I made the decision to move to Mumble exclusively, I did so with the information I had available at that time. Even though we've switched back to TeamSpeak, I don't feel the process in either decision was unreasonable or hasty. I don't think moving to Mumble was a bad move at the time, but I also feel that returning to TeamSpeak was the right move.

Personally, I like both TeamSpeak and Mumble and I thought both were a headache on the backend. Mumble just happened to be far worse this last time around. If Mumble and MumPI played nicely with CentOS like they allegedly do with other Linux distros, I may have never questioned staying with Mumble.

All technical issues aside, I'm very pleased to see how active our new TeamSpeak server has been and I've really enjoyed talking with other CGA community members on the TS3 server these last few days.

I really like how this has all turned out and I feel like all my time wrestling with Mumble wasn't wasted if it led to this. :)
The only thing I will miss about mumble is that little overlay that showed who was talking, as it made it easier to match voices to faces.

TS has always been the smoothest experience for me in terms of sound quality and lack of errors, so I'm quite happy to come back to it :) (and Danny can use the individual setting he mentioned to compensate for my cruddy mic input -_-; )
The Christian Gamers Alliance Mumble Server is now offline.

I leave you with this parting screenshot:
That screen shot should go into the archives somewhere - an memory of making tough decisions.
Uhm, did the SWTOR rooms disappear?
I believe we had a few channels disappear when we upgraded from 32 to 512 slots.

Joshinator: Could you re-create the ToJ SWTOR channels (one for Called from Darkness, one for Called to the Light)?
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