You can join the Christian Gamers Alliance Discord server using the following invite link:
You will need to wait 10 minutes after joining the Discord server for the first time to send messages in public channels.
Additional channels are available to verified users. Please ping the @mods role to ask a server moderator to be added to the @verified role.
You can learn more about our Discord server by joining and reading posts in our #information channel.
We have a very short list of server rules and a very active group of moderators who are quick to respond to reports of inappropriate behavior.
And for those wondering what Discord is, here's an answer from Wikipedia:
Original post:
Join the Christian Gamers Alliance Discord Server!
Check out the Christian Gamers Alliance community on Discord - hang out with 472 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
You will need to wait 10 minutes after joining the Discord server for the first time to send messages in public channels.
Additional channels are available to verified users. Please ping the @mods role to ask a server moderator to be added to the @verified role.
You can learn more about our Discord server by joining and reading posts in our #information channel.
We have a very short list of server rules and a very active group of moderators who are quick to respond to reports of inappropriate behavior.
And for those wondering what Discord is, here's an answer from Wikipedia:
Source: is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for video gaming communities, that specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers.
Original post:
Come join us!
If trolls trash the server, we'll just start another one. That's the beauty of Discord.
EDIT: And if you have any requests or suggestions for the server, post them in this thread!
EDIT#2: Oh, and if anyone has a server icon (128 x 128 minimum) they want use to use for the Discord server, please post a link!
EDIT#3: Discord invite link updated 1/7/18
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