Christian Gamers Alliance bank account running low, vBulletin license expires soon

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
While I'm unable to check the Christian Gamers Alliance bank account, I know that we're running low on funds. I may make an emergency donation to keep the forums online next month, but additional funds to cover hosting expenses for the year would be greatly appreciated.

Also, our vBulletin license will expire on Jan. 27 unless we renew. The cost of renewing for one year is $30. If we do not renew the license, we may continue to run vBulletin, but we won't have access to updates. This would be terrible news for security as we would not be able to download security updates to vBulletin.

For more information about donating funds to the Christian Gamers Alliance, click here. If you have a Paypal account and you're ready to donate now, please send funds to donations AT cgalliance DOT org.

EDIT: By the way, I really hope this doesn't sound like a "rattle the tin cup" ploy to get people to give. I really don't like making posts like these, but, unfortunately, pretty much everything requires money. I apologize for not giving more advance notice.
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D'oh! That was unexpected! =D

I'm tight on funds right now, but I should be able to donate before the 1/27 deadline, don't worry. =)

Just curious, how much do we pay for the hosting per month/year?
conflabit >_< why did my comp have to die (comp parts are to expensive), i'll try n get on the ball and find some money around
SirThom said:
Just curious, how much do we pay for the hosting per month/year?
$9.95/month, $119.40/year. It used to be a wee bit higher, but we canceled Traffic Facts after Go Daddy upped the price with no warning. Increasing the price of any service without notifying your customers in advance is a bad business practice. You would think a company as large and as successful as Go Daddy would know better.

UPDATE: I just checked the cgalliance bank account and I have good news and bad news:
  • Good: With $20.21 left in the account, we have enough money to cover the next two months of web hosting (with $0.31 left over).
  • Bad: We don't have enough money to renew the vBulletin license.
NOTE: When we move to a new web hosting service, our expenses for web hosting may increase or decrease. When we make the change, the new information will be posted to this thread.
Tek, this may be an excellent opportunity to switch to my server. I can fund it 100% until you can renew the vBulletin license.
$30 is nothing for me, I have lots, but... *looks over shoulder at parents carefully watching me type* yeah... I really would like to help though
OH YEAH! And as a self-appointed representative (lol) from CCGR, you guys could get accounts there to keep clans and guilds going until you get more funds. Plus, you'd get more people to join your clans/guilds/groups because there's a whole bunch of gamers there. :D
lol reminds me of the days CCGR forums were hosted on cga
I seriously think you should charge a small commission for the eventual sale price of whatever item is advertised on CGA through threads.

It may not amount to much, but what if the 31 cents had gone the other way?
IceBladePOD said:
I seriously think you should charge a small commission for the eventual sale price of whatever item is advertised on CGA through threads.

It may not amount to much, but what if the 31 cents had gone the other way?

How about CGAbay? :P jk.
UPDATE: We received a donation via Paypal for $30.00 USD, but after Paypal fees, it came in as $28.83 USD. With only $10.26 USD in the CGA bank account, we still can't afford the vBulletin license AND another month of web hosting.

The license expires Jan. 27 and Paypal takes 3 to 5 business days to transfer money from the Paypal account to the bank account. In other words, we need a donation of at least $5 as soon as possible to keep our license up to date AND stay online next month.
As soon as this purchase I just made clears from my PayPal account, I'll be sending $$ in. What's the paypal e-mail address?
UPDATE: We received another donation for $20.00 USD. I've requested a transfer from the Paypal account to the bank account I use for CGA expenses. The transfer has not yet been completed, but as soon as it is, I'll renew the vBulletin license.

On a related note, are there any community members 21 or over interested in volunteering for the Treasurer position?
vBulletin = BOOOOO!!!

I wish I had seen this thread sooner. I would have recommended (and still do) that we migrate the forum over to SMF. They have a vBulletin converter that would keep all messages, settings, members, and everything intact. There are tons of modules, themes, and addons for it with an excellent support community. And it's all FREEE!!!

You can check them out at