If you are using their internet, and using their services, and living in their space, then case closed, you are bound by the rules, just like how I am bound by your TOS right now.
Yes, I love freedom of speech, it is an ideal I value highly, in fact, highest under heaven. However, as mentioned, I won't attack a christian website even if all of 4chan is raiding. Because God comes first. Heavenly above earthly, practical above ideals.
However, while you must respect the rules, challenging the rules and bringing them to debate is not necessarily a bad thing. Lawmakers are people too, and need correction too sometimes. I think what you can't wrap your head around is that rules are made by people, and people make mistakes. Rules get outdated, or fail to work. Not all policies work as intended. I know, ran several guilds. I value feedback. The leader who does not accept feedback or consider correction will suffer defeat.
I'm not saying throw all the rules out. However, make a stand for what you believe in. If someone made a rule (more like brought back) discriminating based on race, sex, religion,social position, we would no doubt rise up and fight it. This is a rule I feel is against my segment of society (gamers). No different from how gardening shouldn't be a crime, or how being any nationality shouldn't be a crime. I belong to a group of society known as gamers. I feel our rights to express ourselves in a non harmful way is being threatened. Make that known.
If everyone just blindly followed unjust rules, the world will be a much worse place, and half the world will be in slavery. Respect the rules, know they should have a purpose. However, rules are made for people, not people for rules. The only point I really have against the prev few threads is 'following the rules just cos they are rules'. You could run away from this institution (something you're not prepared to do), but you won't be making a difference. You won't be making a stand for what you believe in, which is all life's about to me. You may have a more passive personality, but it is your choice. Do you want to make a stand in the name of gaming, run away, or hide?
Sorry if this seems critical, but it is the way I see it, discrimination against gamers. Just like how we ended discrimination against sex, race, nationality and social strata, we should end discrimination against gamers. I feel it is the superior sport, but admit those people playing footy are people too and don't deserve to be crushed underfoot. As much as I hate the sport of football, swimming, badminton, insert IRL sport here, I won't prevent them from doing it for no good reason. Sure, they can't play inside my room full of antiques, but that is because of the harm they may cause.
So I feel the rule should be changed to no violent games ON CAMPUS on OUR INTERNET in front of PEOPLE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE INFLUENCED. The cybercafe is just a kilometre out, go there. Or, get a laptop, like me
My campus doesn't allow gaming, social networking, bittorrenting, watching videos on their network, and they have every right to do so. It is their internet, and I should be thankful they are giving me access to it at all.
My opinion on the OP is that the rule is there for a reason. Even if you don't like it, it's still there and you must obey it.
In ancient history, there were many times christianity was banned. Slavery was legal. Discrimination based on ethnicity, sex and being of the elite was commonplace (and we're not talking underage drunken/high warcraft 3 waiting room trashtalk here, thankfully for the well prepared anon like me, that is still happening). There were a lot of bad rules. People stood up, and made a stand for what they believed in. Freedom and equality for all. Still a work in progress in some parts of the world that most of us don't really care about, but turn your gaze sometimes towards the developing world, you can see how people are still persecuted for their faith, race, sex and so on.
But you are free to have your opinion. You can join one of the nationalist parties, you can even advocate for discrimination of all these things to return. That, to me, is the beauty of the internet. I can talk here (so long as I follow the rules of the debating table/forums) without proxies, without having to fear some dictator is going to hunt me down and kill me. And that is what I believe is worth protecting. EVEN IF doing so means people can insult me online. Even if it means people can attempt to lobby to get me driven out and back to 'where they came from'. Even if people can insult me with racial slurs straight to the face in some thread on /b/. There will always be people who abuse their civil rights. That is the beauty of it. I don't expect this thread to end with us all agreeing with each other. A million different voices is what I like to see. Even if half of those are calling for my death.