Chat applet

Demon Hunter

New Member
Hey is anyone else having trouble joining irc through the chat applet on the website? Between classes i sometimes hangout in the computer lab and would like to idle in irc but it doesnt seem to work right.

The "message of the day" comes up and it says im in #toj but i dont see anyone else in the channel and when i type a message it says "your not in a channel"

anyone have and idea?
I tried it once and got a picture of a cat or something... o_O maybe i was having a moment tho.
lol, nah, I got the cat to. I donnu how to work irc at all, so I just use aim
I'll take a look at it as soon as I can. I'll look too and see if there isn't a more feature rich or newer version of the Chat applet.
Well seeing as we /need/ an applet for those that cant handle IRC silliness.

I would suggest looking into ichat. It was the applet used in the christian chat thing i was a host of...

It is pretty funky and could make a fully fledged chatroom in its own right. I dunno if its compatible with IRC though.
I tested it out and I run into the same problems. The user list and text never show up in the java applet. I happened to be connected through mIRC to our channel and could see my web session. Looking at the code, we are using the most recent version of the applet from Gamesnet.

I am evaluating and testing out a modified version of Jicra (Java IRC Chat Room Applet) to see how it works. Otherwise the other chat applets I have run accross are custom chat applets that you have to run the server. The ones that allow for connecting to IRC instead of the custom server cost around 40-50 dollars.
Blah, darn h4x0|2z. A new worm has been released as of today that attacks MS SQL Server 2000. Our hosting company happens to use it and looks like they may have come down with the virus and will be out for a little bit. Even though our site doesn't use MS SQL Server, the traffic the worm generates as it tries to replicate itself has caused lots of sites to go down. So, I will continue looking into the chat as soon as I can even hit our site.
Thanks plank,
I know mirc works pretty good but it would be nice to connect when we are away from home and cant instal programs.

anyway thanks for checking into it plank!
The problem is that we are currently using gamesnet java applet. But i have some leads on some other applets. Possibly with more features too. I just got back from a business trip and have a three day weekend so I will continue to look into it this weekend.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (amorphus88 @ Mar. 06 2003,5:57)]well its working now...
im sure you mean the applet on gamesnet site is working cause the one on toj isnt.

i did test both today and gamesnet's works pretty good