Raven, Ursen, Taran, and Shamgar now have Channel Admin rights on the LoE channels on the CGA TS3 server.
I would normally coordinate with Stc and Joshinator on something like this (seeing as I prefer to delegate what I can and not butt in), but Stc's in England and I want officers to have tools to moderate channels and I've already had one run-in with a troll today.
That being said, I recommend any other officers wanting Channel Admin rights on the LoE channels contact Stc and Joshinator with your request. They would probably be able to respond more quickly.
I would normally coordinate with Stc and Joshinator on something like this (seeing as I prefer to delegate what I can and not butt in), but Stc's in England and I want officers to have tools to moderate channels and I've already had one run-in with a troll today.
That being said, I recommend any other officers wanting Channel Admin rights on the LoE channels contact Stc and Joshinator with your request. They would probably be able to respond more quickly.