CGA TeamSpeak Server, LoE channel admins


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Raven, Ursen, Taran, and Shamgar now have Channel Admin rights on the LoE channels on the CGA TS3 server.

I would normally coordinate with Stc and Joshinator on something like this (seeing as I prefer to delegate what I can and not butt in), but Stc's in England and I want officers to have tools to moderate channels and I've already had one run-in with a troll today.

That being said, I recommend any other officers wanting Channel Admin rights on the LoE channels contact Stc and Joshinator with your request. They would probably be able to respond more quickly.
Wooot thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait a minute this is another officer responsibility.:p