Cell Phones


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
I posted this is WoW chat but i figured it needed to be discussed here too

Ok this was a guild chat thing and i thought it might be interesting here.

for me i admit, yes i own a cell phone. i pre-pay $20 a month so my parents know where i am and to find friends when their late or something.

I greatly dislike people who abuse their cell phones in the following manners:

1. middle school, elemtary, high school, and even college students during class, texting like 502942347 times and being distracting and fiddling constantly.

2. 12-35 age group who stand in line and blab on their fun very loudly for some odd reason, and think people enjoy listening to their conversation.

3. people who CAN NOT multi-task and try and talk on their cell phone and drive at the same time. i have almost been rear ended, side swiped, sat at a green light, and have thought people were drunk driving because they were talking on a cell phone and driving.

4. 50+ age group who forget they have cell phones and when they ring take 2 minutes just trying to find it then when they do talk, think it has a bad connection and yell "I CANT HEAR U, oh wait let me switch to my good ear"

5. My mom telling me if i need anything to just call her on the cell, and when i actually do need something (usually its of medium significance), her cell phone is off......

Within the last week or so 2 people almost went straight into my side and only fast reflexes saved me from a collision.

The best one was a person who shot out infront of me about 20 feet ahead because they thought I was slowing (I was still going about 35mph and didn't need to stop for several more seconds). Then the bright person behind immediately pulls out right where I am. I quickly had to shift far left into the lane, accelerate and dart into my turning lane I needed to be in on the right. I came within a few cm of clipping the curb.

I vote that dumb people should not be allowed to drive. I think that would eliminate alot of people.
Well, I can't relate, I don't own a cell phone. I don't even need it, as well as a iPod and a car.

Cell Phones are a good way to use, same with having a car to travel and listen to over 1,000 songs on a iPod.

CD Player > iPod
Pay-Phones > Cell Phones
Bus/SkyTrain > Car

Technically, I save more money, especially since I don't need to pay for those high gas prices and hidden charges/over-usage on cell phones.

Of course, there are drawbacks:

- Need AA batteries for CD Player
- Need .25 cents for Pay-Phones
- Need exact change or fare tickets in packs
CD Player > iPod
Pay-Phones > Cell Phones
Bus/SkyTrain > Car

GAH!!! must... reverse....the words....

CD Player < MP3 player (I no uses Ipawd)
Pay-Phones < Cell Phones
Bus/SkyTrain < Car


ironically enough, I don't drive and don't own a cell phone :p
I do agree that cell phones have become a menace. I too, was almost ran into two days ago. I believe he was on his cell, and just changed lanes. He must have come two inches to hitting me. I actually had to GET out of my car to go check for scrapes and dents.
Yeah, while that's never happened to me while I was in a car, I have had incredibly stupid people driving like 40 in a 55 while chatting. Ugh :mad:
CD Player > iPod
Pay-Phones > Cell Phones
Bus/SkyTrain > Car

i would take the bus, but it doesnt go for an hour to my school and i prefer cd's so much more than mp3 players. and i pay .15 a minute for the first 5 minutes then .09 afterwards and actually comes out to be cheaper than a pay phone at times, and also i dont have to remember the 24 different numbers i have saved
If it makes any difference, I can't drive whether I have a cell-phone in my hand or not.
As a woman who takes public transportation and walks, sometimes after dark, not having a cell phone is not an option. However, I have a 200 minutes a month plan and have NEVER gone over. Ever. I usually have minutes left over...

- Need .25 cents for Pay-Phones
Here, pay phones cost 50¢ and are few and far between.

And I love my iPod. That, combined with a book or a knitting or crochet project, constitutes my weirdo deterrent system. VERY necessary on the bus. If I forget to charge my iPod, I WILL put the earbuds in, just so strange men don't try to strike up a conversation.

Wish I'd had headphones on when the weirdo tried to convince me I was an angel sent here on a special mission, and that trees could walk if they wanted to, and that buses were the souls of people who hadn't been born yet...
and have thought people were drunk driving because they were talking on a cell phone and driving.
I think this was on MythBusters -- talking on a cell phone while driving has the same effects on your driving ability as driving drunk.
That would be Season 2, Episode 34
Wikipedia said:
Cell Phones vs. Drunk Driving

Adam and Kari take on a contemporary issue in driving, one that has given conflicting scientific data. To do so, Adam and Kari perform a general-purpose road safety test three times (initially sober without a cellphone, then while talking to Jamie on a cell phone, and finally while slightly intoxicated but under the legal blood-alcohol content limit of 0.08%) and compare the three results.

Myth statement
Driving while talking on a cell phone is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.

Myth Status

Both Adam and Kari failed a general-purpose road safety test both while talking on a cell phone and while driving after drinking alcoholic beverages (though with a blood-alcohol content just below 0.08% and not legally drunk). Cell phone driving failed by a wider margin.

Adam commented, however, that one can put away a cell phone if necessary, but not simply become sober as needed.
I just get kind of annoyed when people walk around with their headset on and they're talking to someone but it looks like they're talking to the air. It's kind of creepy because you can't tell if they're just being rude or if they are insane. I only use my headset in the car, and only if absolutely necessary.

I also work in a doctor's office where there are signs clearly posted to instruct patients to turn off cell phones, but every couple of weeks we have someone who isn't paying attention (or ignores the signs) and lets their phone ring, or even worse, answers it while someone is trying to get their blood pressure or drawing their blood or something. I don't think any call is so important that you have to interrupt someone's job in order to answer it. Usually they just answer it to say "can't talk right now, I'm at the doctor's office, can I call you back?" That is why we have voicemail.
As a woman who takes public transportation and walks, sometimes after dark, not having a cell phone is not an option.
Jeez, I'd think not having a stun gun or something is not an option.

Anyway I saw something on the news where they put students through these virtual driving tests (they're in this big thing that simulates driving, it's not like a video game) and their reactions were terrible, but anyway they were asking really outrageously difficult questions and were telling them to look for people on the screen but they were being ridiculously specific, so I think they went overboard and then claimed that cell phones=bad, and I'm not saying that it's not bad to talk and drive, but I'm saying that some of the tests they used (not in mythbusters, I wasn't able to see that episode) weren't exactly using correct situations
Jeez, I'd think not having a stun gun or something is not an option.

Anyway I saw something on the news where they put students through these virtual driving tests (they're in this big thing that simulates driving, it's not like a video game) and their reactions were terrible, but anyway they were asking really outrageously difficult questions and were telling them to look for people on the screen but they were being ridiculously specific, so I think they went overboard and then claimed that cell phones=bad, and I'm not saying that it's not bad to talk and drive, but I'm saying that some of the tests they used (not in mythbusters, I wasn't able to see that episode) weren't exactly using correct situations
uh yeah dude myth busters is very applicable to situations in normal every day life

Ur statement: busted :)
I just get kind of annoyed when people walk around with their headset on and they're talking to someone but it looks like they're talking to the air. It's kind of creepy because you can't tell if they're just being rude or if they are insane. I only use my headset in the car, and only if absolutely necessary.

I purchased a Motorola H700 headset (on sale, of course) but only wear it around the apartment or while driving. I take it off before I get out of the car and don't put it on until I get in the car.

Here's a set of three great comics from sheldoncomics.com about people who wear Bluetooth headsets:
I've had patients answer their phones in the middle of eye exams. And they don't always keep it quick, either. It's one thing when they're like, "Hey, I'll call when I'm done with my eye exam" (granted, it's best when it's on silent or they just don't answer), but some carry on fairly length conversations.

Then they have the nerve to say things like, "How much longer is this going to take??"

Well gee you would have been out of here 5 minutes ago had you not answered your phone. :p
I just get kind of annoyed when people walk around with their headset on and they're talking to someone but it looks like they're talking to the air. It's kind of creepy because you can't tell if they're just being rude or if they are insane. I only use my headset in the car, and only if absolutely necessary.
As I always say, "Best way money can buy to look schizophrenic."

I like my headset because it lets me crochet, knit, spin, or otherwise do arty-crafty stuff while talking. :)

Edit: C$, thanks for reminding me that I really do need to buy some mace...
uh yeah dude myth busters is very applicable to situations in normal every day life

Ur statement: busted :)

When did I say myth busters was wrong? I said the stuff they did on my local news.

ChickenSoup said:
but I'm saying that some of the tests they used (not in mythbusters, I wasn't able to see that episode) weren't exactly using correct situations

I never saw that episode before.

EDIT: Oh yeah, your welcome MM. I'd still prefer you used a taser or a minigun or something, though :p (note: yes yes I know the minigun isn't really mini.)
EDIT: Oh yeah, your welcome MM. I'd still prefer you used a taser or a minigun or something, though :p (note: yes yes I know the minigun isn't really mini.)
The bus people are so silly! Something about "no weapons"...

Though I did take a hand ax on the train, once...