Cats vs. Children - Who can escape faster?


New Member
I married a woman who happens to be very much a cat person, and we currently have four cats that soak up a lot of our attention and money. In this situation, you can't help but ponder the similarties betteen your relationship with your pets, and that a parent would have with their children (I can only speculate, we have no kids.)

So, recent events have made me ponder the following question:

Parents, have any of you ever decided that for the good of your child you should oh, say..... wake them up from a nap to wrap them in an Ace bandage and see how long it takes them to free themselves? I bet it's almost as funny with your average tiny person as it is with a rather oversized kitten. If you haven't, you might want to try it out! Purely for the educational value, of course. (He says staring directly at Rho and Kel)
Cats can escape faster. I am a big brother not a parent and my little bros were way more fun to tie up or do things to than any of the animals we ever owned!
We prefer the icerag method for waking Popcorn. Give him a warning shot something like you have two minutes to get up or I'm going for the ice rag (whispered of course). Then in one swift motion you lift the covers and throw a propperly frozen rag under the covers and put them back down on the now wide awake child. Generally as soon as that ICE cold rag hits their nice warm sleepy flesh they wake up pretty quick.

Kel has also put his feet in a bucket of ice cold water to wake him. I know sounds horrible but it all done in the spirit of science and fun. Well fun for us anyway.

Please nobody call DFACS or CPS on us we are good parents with a slightly creative side is all i assure you Popcorn boy has not been permantly harmed (much anyway) in the writing of this email.

Rho and Kel
Manyik said:
Kel has also put his feet in a bucket of ice cold water to wake him. I know sounds horrible but it all done in the spirit of science and fun. Well fun for us anyway.
LOL You remind me of my parents in your approach. But if he can sleep through the process of getting his feet TO the bucket, it sounds necessary!

And Dredd: why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:
one2dredd said:
Cats can escape faster. I am a big brother not a parent and my little bros were way more fun to tie up or do things to than any of the animals we ever owned!

You mean the animals you ever pwned?
A variation of the ice rag is to put a water gun filled with water in the refrigerator overnight. A well placed squirt the following morning gets immediate results.
ugh you guys are evil. Evil I say! I always hated when my dad would come in and wake me up. He had this insidious method of pinning us down on the bed with his body, and would breathe on our faces. And man did he have some bad morning breath most days. He called it his Breath of Death, which he would sigh into our faces: "Itsssss thhhhhime for the Bhhhreeaathhhh hhhhofffff Deathhhhhh!". yeah, not fun.
Cats are better escape artists than small children. But the small children are harder to contain (understanding doorknobs and all).
And now for my sixth post in a year...

Meet Popeye. She is my motorhome cat. She can unlock the deadbolt and the regular lock *and* work the doorknob. I have to lock it all and keep the slider on the screen door shut so she has no access to them. Pray for me that she does not figure out how to slide that thing open!

That isn't enough to save me though. The other day she and I had just come home from a trip and were sitting in the yard in the motorhome. Suddenly I hear a *BOING-G-G-G!* and look behind me to see the antenna is bent 90 degrees and has what appears to be cat hair on it. I thought, now how did a cat get on the roof of the motorhome so fast? ... and why is it so quiet in here???

No Popeye to be found. So I go outside. Sure enough, there is Popeye having a bite of salad under the motorhome as though this was all perfectly normal. I snatched her up (she isn't an outside cat) and we returned to the motorhome to figure out the latest mystery.

As it turned out, she had very quietly removed the screen (it was not removable!) from the window not two feet behind my head, climbed out and scrambled up on top of the motorhome all without attracting my attention. Once there, seeing no other option, she "tarzan-ed" off of the antenna.

So yes, cats *can* work doorknobs, and I do believe they have opposable thumbs as well as sucker-feet. They just keep them retracted so we can never see them. :rolleyes:
Heh, Popeye came with that name. She has only one eye. As you can see, it really slows her down. :p

The cats I named are Spider, Ripley, and Baby Willow (okay, that's a weird name, I actually named him Willow but somewhere along the line he became Baby Willow and it just stuck)
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My sister got a cat(siamez/mix)(yes i cant spell) and named him savannah, unfortunately she forgot to check before naming him... Anyway he wont let you touch him to you manage to catch him and start petting him, then he will cuddle and suck on your shirt (poor cat) Hes soo cute yet has such a femanine name
Don't get too used to me. I'm not sure why I'm posting here. Usually I'd rather be gaming than posting on forums. :D