Cataclysm Cinematic is Here.

If you are not pumped about Cataclysm after watching this you are not alive haha!

Protip - stay out of the fire!
I loved how they made a point to show all the locations that are getting hit the hardest in the trailer. They even went so far as to show him landing on the towers in SW. There are melted sections that look like claw marks on them in beta right now. I guess I know why now.
Before this came out I was hoping that it wouldn't just be Deathwing, guess it was too much to hope for. I'm bummed that they didn't show any PvP type scenes like they had in the original WoW cinematic, which would have made sense in my opinion considering the direction they're taking the story.
Quite honestly, I think all the people saying that they were disappointed that ole deathy was the main (and only) attraction are being a little unrealistic. In wrath, the entire expac was about Arthas. From the moment you set foot in howling fjord all the way up to the last point of damage dealt before kingslayer, you knew exactly why you were in northrend. Arthas bugged you the whole way through your 70s. The cinematic trailer showed Arthas walking across the snows of icecrown and raising everyone's favorite login screen sitting, annoying catch phrase yelling dragon. And nobody complained.

Now we get what is easily the most beautiful cinematic blizzard has ever made. If you didn't watch that in HD, you're seriously missing out. The world environment is absolutely gorgeous.

But what happens? Being the group of people that they are, the WoW community has found reason to complain. "I wanted to see me some worgen and goblins," cries newbsauce101. "Where's my horde political drama," demands gankymcundead. "I can has tauren paladin," asks holycowz.

Anybody who has logged in on Azeroth lately knows one thing is true, we're already feeling the birth pains and the delivery date is set for dec 7. It's only going to get worse. All the things that people are wanting to see stem from this one moment when giant enemy dragon #03985723458726345 bursts out of the ground. You wouldn't have your new races, internal power struggles or even the new race/class combos if our boy hadn't decided it was time to spread the love (and by love I of course mean molten destruction). You remember how powerful the other dragon aspects were? You remember watching Alex and her consort nuke the wrathgate? Good ole Neltharion is so unimpressed by her and the rest of the aspects that he stabbed them all in the....wherever you stab a giant dragon when you're betraying them. This guy is so much more of a big scary than anything else we've seen that he kinda tore the world as we know it apart. And as this trailer shows, all he did was fly up and out of deepholme. The cataclysm itself was just a side effect. how scary is that? He shattered the world and caused irreversible damage without actually trying to. I'm sure he didn't mind doing so, obviously. But when breaking a planet is a result of him taking off....we're in for some fun when we finally do go toe to seven foot tall claw with the big bad.

Anybody who is familiar with the lore of Warcraft will tell you that, compared to Deathwing, Arthas is kind of a pushover. Conflicted emo prince turned zombie overlord vs ancient evil who betrayed all life, made a pact with the old gods, fooled the dragons he'd been hanging out with for centuries and then tore open a world. No, Deathwing wasn't the Anakin Skywalker of WCIII. He's never brooded (unless you count making a brood, in which case he's 2-0). He's never been possessed by the soul of an orc shaman. He doesn't have an unnatural obsession with a horse. And he's not exactly used to failing miserably at everything he's set out to do.

We probably won't be seeing him from the moment we arrive in hyjal (and coming from beta, I'm telling you that is the case). But you're going to be feeling the effects for years to come (or at least until you cancel your subscription and go play old republic).

Pearl harbor day needs to move over. This is Deathwing's show. He's running this from now on. You're lucky he didn't eat you when he landed three feet above Marcus Jonathan's head. Arthas ain't got nothin on the earthwarder.

Now I've spent way too much of my morning writing this. Maybe being half asleep made it seem like a good idea. Regardless, watching the trailer made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I've been waiting to see Deathwing for a long time. Big bad has my vote for #1 villain of the century.
I'm not too partial about this cinematic (maybe because I won't be playing) but I at least thought that they would show the goblin and worgen as that's probably one of the bigger things coming from the expansion. Still think BC cinematic was the best lol.
Quite honestly, I think all the people saying that they were disappointed that ole deathy was the main (and only) attraction are being a little unrealistic. In wrath, the entire expac was about Arthas. From the moment you set foot in howling fjord all the way up to the last point of damage dealt before kingslayer, you knew exactly why you were in northrend. Arthas bugged you the whole way through your 70s. The cinematic trailer showed Arthas walking across the snows of icecrown and raising everyone's favorite login screen sitting, annoying catch phrase yelling dragon. And nobody complained.

Now we get what is easily the most beautiful cinematic blizzard has ever made. If you didn't watch that in HD, you're seriously missing out. The world environment is absolutely gorgeous.

But what happens? Being the group of people that they are, the WoW community has found reason to complain. "I wanted to see me some worgen and goblins," cries newbsauce101. "Where's my horde political drama," demands gankymcundead. "I can has tauren paladin," asks holycowz.

Anybody who has logged in on Azeroth lately knows one thing is true, we're already feeling the birth pains and the delivery date is set for dec 7. It's only going to get worse. All the things that people are wanting to see stem from this one moment when giant enemy dragon #03985723458726345 bursts out of the ground. You wouldn't have your new races, internal power struggles or even the new race/class combos if our boy hadn't decided it was time to spread the love (and by love I of course mean molten destruction). You remember how powerful the other dragon aspects were? You remember watching Alex and her consort nuke the wrathgate? Good ole Neltharion is so unimpressed by her and the rest of the aspects that he stabbed them all in the....wherever you stab a giant dragon when you're betraying them. This guy is so much more of a big scary than anything else we've seen that he kinda tore the world as we know it apart. And as this trailer shows, all he did was fly up and out of deepholme. The cataclysm itself was just a side effect. how scary is that? He shattered the world and caused irreversible damage without actually trying to. I'm sure he didn't mind doing so, obviously. But when breaking a planet is a result of him taking off....we're in for some fun when we finally do go toe to seven foot tall claw with the big bad.

Anybody who is familiar with the lore of Warcraft will tell you that, compared to Deathwing, Arthas is kind of a pushover. Conflicted emo prince turned zombie overlord vs ancient evil who betrayed all life, made a pact with the old gods, fooled the dragons he'd been hanging out with for centuries and then tore open a world. No, Deathwing wasn't the Anakin Skywalker of WCIII. He's never brooded (unless you count making a brood, in which case he's 2-0). He's never been possessed by the soul of an orc shaman. He doesn't have an unnatural obsession with a horse. And he's not exactly used to failing miserably at everything he's set out to do.

We probably won't be seeing him from the moment we arrive in hyjal (and coming from beta, I'm telling you that is the case). But you're going to be feeling the effects for years to come (or at least until you cancel your subscription and go play old republic).

Pearl harbor day needs to move over. This is Deathwing's show. He's running this from now on. You're lucky he didn't eat you when he landed three feet above Marcus Jonathan's head. Arthas ain't got nothin on the earthwarder.

Now I've spent way too much of my morning writing this. Maybe being half asleep made it seem like a good idea. Regardless, watching the trailer made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I've been waiting to see Deathwing for a long time. Big bad has my vote for #1 villain of the century.


I loved reading this, thank you Tethra. I agree 100%

Sarugon, I'm waiting for the day something makes you happy in wow lol. I always see you disappointed!
I watched this, and this was my response:

"Crud.... Now I'm gonna have to shell out $$ for the expansion, plus the re-sub.... Ouch... But it looooks soooo cooooooooooool.... IT IS WORTH IT JOSH! BE A MAN! RESUB!"

That was pretty much it....
Need a scroll of res?

lol.. I'm trying to grab some of those cause I'm low on cash! Let me know if you want me to send you one :p
...But what happens? Being the group of people that they are, the WoW community has found reason to complain. "I wanted to see me some worgen and goblins," cries newbsauce101. ... "I can has tauren paladin," asks holycowz....

There has never been a Gnome in any of the WoW cinematics... I don't wanna start a WoW "Race war" [again (I couldn'd find the thread where everyone told us their favorite race...)], but all the other races have been covered (usually by males). I'm just sayin'.
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I'm sure if you look hard enough there's a gnome's hair sticking up at the bottom of a shot of somebody way cooler doing something awesome.