


Does anyone here like to do any case modding and/or know anything about overclocking my CPU?!? If so I really need sum help.
I'm going to take this serious lack of posts to mean that no one does. HAHAHAHAHA!! I slay me!
I had a brief look into it when i was speccing out my new pc.. that i wont now be getting due to random family members...

but anyway you can get a lian-li or xaserIII case with pre-modded window for quite cheap. Then its up to you to buy the glowing fans and lights.. also you can get the case into a machine shop and make funky holes in it.. there are kits you can buy to make windows.

I would stay away from any alternative cooling unless you really know what your doing.
My friend is looking to build a new comp and almost every comp he checks out has the glass on the side and easy install lights, but he thinks its stupid and wants a normal case.
Technically, its not a case mod if it comes that way.
Yeah I don't like the window's either, but if all he finds is those when he looks for a computer, he's not looking much.

Now, is he looking for pre-built or just parts to build his own? In either case(no pun intended), you can easily find systems/cases without windows.
It all depends of what you want to do with it... Windows are like the main way people jazz up their pc with cold cathode lights on everything.

I have seen some good mods where they cut their own design into the side of the case.

A good mod is to get a temp control thing to put in a 5" bay. You connect it to all your fans and puit sensors on your components to control air flow.
I had this article to add a coffee machine to your case. I think the heat was bad though. Was still cool.

er, sorry about the randomness. Just had to mention it.
I remeber an article where someone built a Still into there comp and could brew there own Moonshine while they surfed the net.
Sounds like something someone near me would make...gotta love the South

When I built my new comp i wanted to put a window in it myself, but was a little afraid to do instead i made some grates to go in the front and back of the case and put in some fans with blue led's....nothing complicated, but it looks cool in the dark
I can OC... call up on AIM sometime... its down there, in the buttons.

in case you're lazy

AIM : LobotomyPatient0 (thats a ZERO)
ICQ : 73397987
yahoo/msn : moo_moo_king

and I can OC quiet well, actually. 's why I got the SLK-900 and a 92mm Vantec Tornado for my 2100+ Tbred-B AthlonXP.