Cartel Coins and Free to Play Coming Soon


Active Member

The latest update allows you to see how many Cartel Coins you can claim. Still not sure what the Cartel Coins will allow us to purchase, but you get coins for having a paid membership retroactively (I have 1350 right now) and for other milestones (having the deluxe edition etc). You can log into your account and see your Cartel Coins by going to your account and clicking the Cartel Coins link on the left side (top of the list).
Are you sick or is that where you work?
See the prayer thread... My wife had surgery today so I had four house to kill. However, hospital wifi is almost as bad as hotel wifi. Lot of interesting unlocks, been looking at the stuff from the forums.
Yeah, that is expensive, especially per character. I would think most would opt for per account.
I'm leaning towards just keeping a subscription going, either regular paid subscription or 60-day cards I can get for cheap off of ebay.
I am too. There are a lot of benefits to being a subscriber, you can get many of them with Cartel Coins, but that will end up costing a lot.
Free-to-Play starts today! Also Game Update 1.5 is being applied. Interesting... 1.5 on 15 November. By design?