Capital Punishment

Well now that's an interesting question - the answer is that, no, it hasn't changed much over the course of a single lifetime, but that it HAS changed radically over the course of millenia.

Death sentencing.


I agree that people do not see the cosequences for their actions enough. If things were more public i think it would have more affect.

Maybe removing parts of an offender before their life. Which arab country cuts off the hand for repeated offenders who steal? (now that's a bit to full on a punishment for such a crime. But castration for repeat sex offenders?? etc)

I saw an interview with a guy who was wrongly condemned to public whipping. They gave him like a hundred lashings on one day, waited a few more days then gave him more. till all 500 were done. His account of it, and others seeing it would change a few things.

But what about the cases where there is no change, no remorse and a serious repeat offender. Maybe their life should be the forfeit of the peace?

The last man to die under capital punishment in Australia was later proven innocent.

Sealcomm I guess this is easily said hard to justify. There are mistakes everywhere and we cannot just freeze our justice system and rethink the death penalty. Those ppl were killed for a reason even if they didn't commit the crime. It was obviously Gods will. Gods will>Everything We can try and justify.
I'm just gonna jump in here..

I think capital punishment is justifiable in murder cases with little doubt as to an accused's guilt.

Any crimes less than that are not worthy of capital punishment.
Come on, God's will? A lot of conservative Christians like to say things happen for a reason, it is God's will, that he is watching over us, guiding us, etc... and then you turn around and say we have free will to do as we like. That smacks of double-think to me.
What I mean is that according to Christian thought, we always have the power to choose right or wrong, God or Satan, i.e. we are free to make our own decisions and free to perform any actions we choose. Saying that things that happen in our lives must be God's will or they must be part of God's plan contravenes this idea because you are implying that things are destined to turn out a certain way. If that is the case, then we do not really have a free will because we are led by God to do things rather than making our own decisions.
Hate to break in here, but this seems to be steering into a Calvinist/predestination vs. Arminian/free will debate rather than a debate over capital punishment. =/
I noticed this topic was still up and thought I'd add another comment. First off, the majority of us have been discussing how WE feel about the topic. As Christians, I think we should be discussing how JESUS feels about it. After all, His is the only opinion that really matters. I must admit, for a very long time I was strongly pro-death penalty, perhaps even allowing for a bit of torture. But then something changed my mind about it. As a matter of fact, something changed my mind about a great deal of my political opinions. It was the Bible, specifically Jesus' teachings. Now, on the topic of capital punishment. I hate to use an old cliche but...What would Jesus do? I cannot for the life of me even begin to imagine our Lord and Savior taking another's life. As a matter of fact, He gave His life so that murderers may have the chance to receive salvation. Additionally, he even stopped an execution, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" should ring a bell. Jesus also specifically addresses the often quoted "eye for an eye". I don't have my Bible handy at the moment, but this was in the book of Matthew. Another good parable is in Matthew chapter 18. This one teaches us about forgiving each other. There is a great deal of His teaching on mercy and forgiveness; two things we must have from God on a continual basis...How much more should we be willing to show them to one another. So to quote the cliche yet again, What would Jesus do?
Jesus is God, so therefor JESUS ordered all those killings in the old testament. Read Joshua lately? 30,000 men women and children whos only crime we can note is they happened to live in a land GOd gave to Moses.

Who do you think is more likely to come to know and ask for forgiveness? someone who has an IV in there arm that is about to be pumped full of poision? Ill bet the night before that happens he will be talking ALOT to the big man upstairs.

Or do you think he is more likely to have a life changing event sitting in jail while they are being chattered to hand and foot?

Jesus also had an opportunity to save the life of the person next to him on the cross, but rather told him "This day you will be with me in Paradise", Jesus let him die.

What you are suggestion is not allowing Justice to be served. and our God is a God of Justice,
That's right, GOD commanded those lives to be taken. Not man. Further, the purpose for which GOD commanded those deaths was because He knew if the promised land was not purged of the idol worshipers, His people would be led astray; which eventually happened. Besides, you are missing the core of my post. Allow me to reiterate it, we should be discussing what Jesus' thoughts are on this topic. All you responded with are your thoughts. Please feel free to quote any of Jesus' teachings that suggest in the least, that he would take another person's life or condone it. Additionally, there were greater events than saving someone's life at hand while He was on the cross. My final point is, the 10 commandments even prohibits the taking of life...Thou shall not kill. But I digress, study Jesus' teaching and ask yourself again...what would Jesus do? Our God is a God of justice, let us not forget that man's thoughts of justice do not necessarily coincide with God's.
" You shall not murder"
Exodus 20:13

you misquoted scripture to fit your own interpetation. There is a HUGE difference between MURDER, and KILLING. Even a large difference when you compair it to biblical standards. You quote the bible as saying killing is wrong, and that MAN should never take a life. but Exodus 20:13, as you imply, says that we are not to take a humans life. But let us look just ONE BOOK later, at Exodus 21

Exodus 21
12 He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.

15 And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death.

16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death

I could go on and on and on, but you easially get the point. and this more than clearly shows that your interpetation is not correct.

I would like to see some scripture, ANY scripture that talks against Killing of someone who deserves death. Also we have authoritys in place to JUGDE them. To determine there guilt.

Put simply you have no case. God and JESUS are in support of capital punishment, and are also the authors of capital punishment and to be against it is to be against Gods law of order
There is also a /small/ difference between old covenant and new covenant..

I agree, but Gods views have not changed, now we are no longer under the Old law, so our personal sins are forgiven, same as a murderers sins would be forgiven. But he would be a forgiven Man who deserves death. I think we are more debating if Jesus is in support of Capital punishment or not. And I would say he is unquestionably in support of it because Our God is a God of justice and you can look at his previous decisions on the matter
If I were you, I'd be a little more sure of myself before accusing someone of misquoting scripture to serve their own purposes. Try looking up Deuteronomy ch 5 verse 17. I will repeat, you are still discussing your own opinions. I challenge you to site one verse in the New Testament to suggest Jesus is in support of capital punishment. Also, as Rizz stated, there are some differences between the old and new covenant. Unfortunately some choose to reject those not consistent with their own ideas. Further, you keep repeating that God is a God of Justice. I don't dispute that, but what characteristics of God has given us the opportunity for salvation. The fact that he is also a God of love, mercy, and forgiveness. If we are not willing to be merciful to one another, how can we ask that of God. If you'll read the parable in Matthew chapter 18, you'll see this is precisely what Jesus taught. But, as you have not bothered to either read or understand this...I'll keep you in my prayers.
Jesus did not speak one way or another while he was here on earth about his views of capital punnishment. He also did not mention Rape, Childmolestation, abortion, drug addiction. I am unsure if he even mentioned ANYTHING about Homosexuality. Are these also things that changed from being "Wrong" to now being ok under the new covedent? Ofcousre not. He didnt come to change our standards, he came to change the way we are justified.

You mention a "Loving" God, which I agree with. You cannot have LOVE without Justice. To let a person who is deserving of death not pay that price is cheating those who they hurt or injured. Lawlessness is not Gods will, and God did not die on the cross for us so that we can have Lawlessness and a system of no punishment. He came to set us free from the bondage of Sin, not to create a society that SIN is no longer punnished.

Deuteronomy, I did a quick search in Deuteronomy to see what they thought of capital punishment. here is a SMALL list of what I found

Deuteronomy 17:5
then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and shall stone to death that man or woman with stones.
Deuteronomy 21:21
Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall put away the evil from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear.

thats just 2 verses. I can get more if you like, there are alot of them.

I will get back to the point. You asked me for a spot in the new testamant that Jesus is in Support of capital punnishment. And I will tell you this clearly. There is not one single spot in the New testament that Jesus says he is in support, or that he condones Capital punishment.

How about answering this one, Give me one spot in the new testament that says Jesus is against using death as a means of punnishment.

You can find spots where he saved lives, I can even show verses where he reversed Death and brought people back to life. But NOWHERE does he say that capital punishment should not be used. So you are simply speaking about something he never took a stance on.

You also throw away 95% of the bible, I would say it is pretty easy to make a point when you only use 5% of the bible and narrow your credible sources to that 5%
I see you feel very strongly about this topic and nothing will change your mind. God bless you.