Canadian Election Tomorrow

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
<Warning: The following message involves canadian politics. If you are not canadian, or hate politics, don't read it. Thanks>

Hi everyone! Tomorrow is election day in Canada! If you aren't planning to vote, WISE UP!! :D
I believe God calls us to be good stewards of our lives, and not voting is allowing someone else to steward your life. (and no, I'm not backing that up with scripture -- that's why it begins with "I believe" :P :) )

I'm not going to tell you where to vote, but I would like to point out something I feel is important.

I recently attended a public forum between representatives of the Liberal, Conservative, NDP, and Green party members. The reason I bring this up is because I had always considered the Green party to be middle-of-the-road, with their conservative views on social justice and their more progressive views on environmental preservation. In fact, they were my second choice for party loyalty.

But all that changed when I went to the forum.

The Green party representative, Mr. Petitt, brought up the table, not once, but twice, his party's view that Canada needs 'Government regulated parental planning solutions to overpopulation.' (prolly not an accurate quote. My apologies)

Allow me to do a little work of translation: "Government regulated" == "Legally enforced". "Parental Planning Solutions to Overpopulation" == "Restrictions on Family Size".

We are talking a system like China's infamous One Child Policy. If you know someone (like my sister-in-law) who grew up under the One Child Policy, you might have an inkling of what this means. For the rest of you, allow me to illustrate: You are a mother of one child. By the laws of nature, you become pregnant. You have two choices: 1) Abort the baby. or 2) Have the government come and coerce you to abort the baby. They may fine you or mistreat you in the process, but hey -- you are breaking the law. If they have to kidnap you/drug you to get you the hospital, so be it.

I'm not necessarily accusing the Green Party of such measures, but I do know that they believe that the ideal behind the One Child Policy is a good thing. I also have family with large families (one even has 12 children under their roof) who will be marginalized in the process.

Anyhow, just something to think about as you go to vote.

And now, please pray that above all, no matter who you vote for, that THE PEOPLE THAT GOD WANTS IN OFFICE WILL GET INTO OFFICE. Amen.

God bless!
what? lol Green Party is stupid if they think like that...

Canada does not have the PEOPLE hence we keep bringing more immigrants...canadians are not having children and they want to regulate to 1 child policy lol...I will be voting for a change, but not the green party for sure.