Call of Duty Black Ops II

I'll see about picking it up this weekend for the PS3. Looks fantastic.
My 360 is crappin' out on me (no LEDs on the front, doesn't pick up my wireless controller anymore) and I don't feel like paying for Live. PS3 VERSION IS A GO.

What kind of loadouts are you guys using so far?
Yall tryed the FAL select fire red dot or target finder, stock its beast especially on carrier, but other loadouts I use is pdw fastmags laser, overkill FAL select fire. DSR 50 fmj dual band. br23 the three round burst pistol. all perks are hardline, scavenger, and engineer or extreme conditioning
no weapons double perks 1/2/3! Run and stab. Run and stab!

LOL If I had any inclination to play the game (which I don't sorry) I would so be doing that. The fact is the reason I even watched any videos of it is I heard you could pick your own loadout and do this :p.

I like to melee peoples in games where people are all pretentious with their guns. Anybody can be all safe and shoot at range real players stab. Don't hate mah :p .
LOL If I had any inclination to play the game (which I don't sorry) I would so be doing that. The fact is the reason I even watched any videos of it is I heard you could pick your own loadout and do this :p.

I like to melee peoples in games where people are all pretentious with their guns. Anybody can be all safe and shoot at range real players stab. Don't hate mah :p .

I generally only use this class on objective games as my kill/death is pretty low when I'm knifing (wonder why... :P ) but it is a lot of fun, and it makes a lot of people mad at you.
LOL If I had any inclination to play the game (which I don't sorry) I would so be doing that. The fact is the reason I even watched any videos of it is I heard you could pick your own loadout and do this :p.

I like to melee peoples in games where people are all pretentious with their guns. Anybody can be all safe and shoot at range real players stab. Don't hate mah :p .

That (in my opinion) is the only way to go in games like CoD :D