Burning Crusade Race


New Member
We should have like a race to 70 and the first character there gets something donated from the guild. What do ya think?
Might be kinda unfair seeing as at least 6 of us will have been able to quest in the beta and we'll have a bit of a leg up on where the quests are etc. However...I think it's an interesting idea...(you don't have holidays right when bc is going to be released do you??)
We should have like a race to 70 and the first character there gets something donated from the guild. What do ya think?
Yes, I've certainly been concerned that the expansion alone wont have enough of a hold to make me forget about work, sleep, eating, school, friends, family, the sun, etc. This proposed challenge should give the expansion that little extra "umphf" needed to ruin my life once and for all.
The other thing to consider is the people that stay at home.

Also it should be considered that not everyone wants to play their 60 and some people want to start at level 1 (raises hand). I'll be starting a Draenei Mage once BC releases.
Well, not wanting to chime in and bash your idea :p

I'd much rather prefer to hit 70 with a group of guildies than to forge ahead on my own and get to 70 while they are all 65.

Of course, my college schedule precludes EITHER event from happening.
I am in the 'Lets just have fun' mode too generally. I definately enjoy the journey getting my toons leveled up.

Although there is a part of me which thinks it might be a fun race *grin*. Of course, I would have to take it much slower with another character to do the enjoyment part afterwards.
Why don't we combine the idea of the race and grouping together... why dont we set up a couple groups of five... ones that play basically every night and have group races to 70!!! that will encourage grouping and lvling... hehe... just an idea but im a noob:D and then have another race for those that like to solo...
alright....those in beta will be part of the first group of 5....everyone else is competing against us! :)
I don't want to sound negative either, but the entire idea is the glorification of hardcore gamers.

I get to play while I'm at home. My college blocks internet games, and WoW is only a dream with the exception of Christmas Break, Spring Break, and, ultimately, Summer Break.

Not that that means anything. I'm just saying that the incentive isn't fairly applied. Certain people simply get the opportunity to game more than others, and the amount of available gametime far surpasses the motivation to hit 70 as far as leveling effectiveness is concerned.