Brelan and Tina taking a vacation


New Member
Hello all, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is, Tina and I have decided not to renew our subscriptions this month. Our last active day will be Oct 9th.

The good news is that we are having our first child.

Due to the increasing costs associated with child birth and the fact that I am starting a new job that pays less than half of what I have been making for the last couple of years, we are doing some cost cutting. Unfortunately WoW is not an essential living expense so it has been removed from the budget.

Our absence is indefinite, as I do not know when such luxuries will become affordable for us again.

Tina and I have both loved playing with everyone and hope to return at some point. God Bless you all.
First and foremost, congradulations on your first child! Very very happy to hear that. Not sure on when your WoW subscription will be up, but please keep us updated on how Tina is coming along. I know I speak on behalf of all the guild when I say, both of you will be missed. However, life is more important than WoW. Always has, and always will be.

Congrats on the new job as well. Even though it isn't paying as much as you are used to, all things happen for a reason.

Both of you will be missed. Please check back in with us from time to time to let us know how things are going.

Take care and God bless,

Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, that comes from both me and your new baby several months down the line :,(

Both you and Tina have been a real blessing to our guild. You both gave of your time and friendship. We will miss you both, not your characters, but your laughter and willingness to help where ever and whenever. So while your subscriptions might be up, your friendships will continue. I hope both of you will stay in touch with us via the forums and even come and join us on Teamspeak. At a bare minimum - post some baby pictures!!

Adam / Anita and their small baseball team of kids :)
Woot! ...and Boo! at the same time. Congrats on the littleone to come. I'm sad to see you guys leaving, but know that when the time comes for you to re-subscribe, we'll be here waiting for you to come back!
Thank you all. To be honest, if it weren't for this guild I probably wouldn't have played as long as I have. The great social environment the guild provides makes the game more than a game. Tina and I will have a hard time not being able to play. Hopefully the withdrawals will not last too long.

I have Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to tie me over until WoW becomes affordable again. :D
I am very excited for yall. Your life is just about to really begin. Children are such a blessing.

You will be missed here, please come by and talk to us via forums and teamspeak. We can't wait to see pictures of yalls bundle of joy.
*hugs* better remember to send me a postcard on a monthly basis.

:) God bless, and definitely God bless your baby :)
I saw this right after it was posted and I did not know what to say. I still don't really. But here it goes, congrats on the kid and you will be missed here.
Really wonderful news about the baby. Since money is tight, might I suggest: Don't bother spending much money on "baby toys". Just give them a bunch of nick nacks: old tuperware (ziploc cheapy tuperware wanna be stuff works great here), paper towel rolls (these can be crafted into rattles or played with normally), coasters (so long as they aren't heavy or will break apart), baby bottles... well you get the idea. Also shop for baby furniture and clothes at consignment shops (man they are wonderful.... baby clothes hardly get worn through at all).

With our babies we have found that a few rattles, a few toys that stack (stacking cups, blocks, etc), along with the hodge-podge toys I mentioned before, are all they really seem to need.

Anyway that's my two cents. God bless, and I pray your baby will be healthy, and as a much of a joy to you as ours have been to us.
Thanks for the advice and warm wishes. The baby is due on April 24th, so don't expect any pictures quite yet. :D

J/K, not mine, just some random image I found on google.
Talk about mixed feelings. I'm ecstatic that you two are going to become parents...babies are definately a blessing. I'm happy that you found a job, hopefully its one that you love!! I'm sad that you won't be playing with us anymore, but please make a point of popping in and saying Hi every once and a while!!