Board walk weekend


New Member
Befor I get into the main topic, its says in the updates "Boardwalk will re-open this weekend. " Does that mean its opened before...?


Can we maybe plan a guild fun night maybe Sat?or Sunday? We can all get together and play some of these games? Post your best times!
Yes, the boardwalk games were originally run during the Dragon Festival which happened to be during the 4th of July weekend.

During that weekend, they added 3 games to the area that is usually part of the monatery overlook that you enter right after creating a brand new Canthan character and return to for your insignia training. (If you are working toward a Canthan exploration title on any Canthan or Tyrian characters, this is a good chance to uncover a bit of usually inaccessable part of the map).

2 of the games were 9 rings and 16 rings. One ring was selected at random and if you were standing in it or an adjacent ring you would be rewarded, but only if you have tickets in your inventory. If you lost, the ticket is merely removed from that stack. These 2 games were the source of the AFK titles in the "Lucky" and "Unlucky" line. (They are AFK titles because it takes so long, your best bet is to buy a lot of tickets and leave yourself in a ring AFK overnight). Be prepared to pay a lot of platinum for these titles.

There was one additional game where you were pitted against other players and had to "tag" worms of the right color. Score was kept and the winner would win tickets.

The Dragon Arena, was basically 4v4 random arena dodgeball. Everyone's health and armor was made equal, pets were cancelled (Watch out! during the Dragon Festival you permenantly lost your pet if you had it equipped when you entered.) You had one running skill, one touch skill and one attack skill. The rest of your skill bar was rez sigs. the attack skill would kill with one hit. The match was the first team to reach a certain score (kill count).
So you need money toplay these games...? O poop! There goes my weekend. I don't have money to blow. Wish I did...
Cool, this sounds fun. Well I'm going paintball today then I have homework. SO maybe we can all meet at night? (Today is Saturday)
I might not be on today ):. But maybe we can meet Sunday? Maybe after church like around 1:00-:3:00 ish EST Time zone?
Ya i decided not to play any of the games, didnt want to waste money. Spent my time farming. Although i did go to the dragon arena and won like 5 in a row with a team.
Oh, forgot to mention that that Charmed title cost me about 30k... :eek:

lol friday i had 21k, by saterday morning $21...:( but i sold some of my storage tho and got back about 9k. but i didnt go to the festival anymore. I played Company of Heros instead :D.