Blizzcon '08

Nope. We are planning three trips into the USA this year and this isn't one of them, not even falling close to any of our plans.
I thought it might actually be fun to go. But then I saw...$100 per person!!!??? I'd rather put that toward Disneyland, which is cheaper. Oh wells
I am definitely planning to go! I went to the one in 2005 and 2007 and I would recommend to anyone that is interested or contemplating the idea of attending to go ;)
us too...i keep forgetting the dates though exactly and she hasn't written them down. then off to sea world and some other stuff.
i r going to seaworld too. I have season passes. Go figure, somebody from Calgary, Canada has season passes to Seaworld. I lol at myself.
But Blizzcon is way more fun then Disneyland. And it wont really be any cheaper. The 100 is for both days, and I dont want to pay $8 for a Coke.
I already bought my tickets to Disneyland and for transportation. How about this, you pay our way to Blizzcon and travelling costs, I'll go. :)