Big Prayer Request

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New Member
My uncle called tonight and said my grandfather isn't doing so well. He can hardly get out of bed. They are trying to decide what to do, especially because one of my other uncles has down's syndrome and still lives with my grandfather. I guess my grandfather can't take care of him anymore, so they aren't sure of what to do.

My dad has suggested that my brother and I, jobless as we happen to be, go up there and either stay or bring Bill back down here. My uncle has lived in that small town all his life, so bringing him back down has issues if it's for more than a few weeks. So it looks like we might go up there, even as early as next week. My dad retires at the end of March, and then a lot of things will be a lot easier.

Perhaps this was why God was keeping me from finding a 'real' job, as it would be easy to keep writing and do whatever is needed in this situation.
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Sorry, I had forgotten to give an update. My grandfather has a slipped disc, which is sorta treatable, and isn't life-threatening, but he's still not really able to take care of my uncle. My step-grandmother won't let anyone from our side of the family come and stay or even those around to help out. My dad and his sibs want to put him in a retirement home, and he agrees, but she's throwing a fit and saying she won't allow it. So everything's still kinda a mess.
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