Befor Guild Wars came...

I still find it weird Cloud how we met again other than the other thousands of guilds. Praise God!

I'm with ya there. when I first joined, and was looking through the guild roster i was like "wait....did i just see who i think i saw???....."
Star Wars Galaxies
Played that for a long time, before I finally said "No more." after being put through countless fundamental gameplay changes and numerous nerfs.


There was actually two seperate "combat upgrades." within like 6 months of each other.

I guess they didn't break it enough the first time...
[]phantom;192355 said:
Star Craft ghost was delayed inevitably.

me thinks sony gonna take it and make it for ps3
Yeahm know what I dont even remember my server or charactors name. I was just thinking of that the other day. But if I had to guess, I think his name was Saturos and the server was Leviathin I think. But I do know for a fact that I was a DarkKnight/Warrior witch I never got into a group...): cuz everyone and there mother was a DK....
I think it excludes games that are iconic to that particular system. For example: Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Halo (Not counting PC versions), and Crash Bandicoot (Although the makers of that one are in a different circle...)
What did you guys do befor Guild Wars? Were you playing another MMORPG? Were you involved in something? Lets discuss! Ill go first.
Had a life? ;)

Uh, lots more Sims 2, occasionally Baldur's Gate (original PC), some Diablo II. Way more scrapbooking and book arts. :) But I was in school until about a year before my addiction, so I was still adjusting. :)

Oh yeah, READ more. Never thought anything would cut into my book time! :eek:
Lets see, before Guild Wars...

I played a lot of Vintage (Type I) Magic the Gathering, tournaments and all. Guild Wars is definately a less expensive hobby than Type I Magic, and for this I am very thankful! I also played my fair share of Warcraft III with who you all may know as Belle De Shanghai, until he discovered Guild Wars and Spirit of Elijah. I reluctantly told him I'd play GW if he tried to learn Magic. Well, I'm still here and he's not playing Magic very much! :D
*high five to the moo2 fan*
once, a friend and I did a 24 hour marathon and beat an entire game in one sitting. haha.
well, we crashed for a couple hours at like 4am...