BC craziness

Well i preordered my bc from eb games and i paid for 2 day delievery and so i recieved it yesterday so paid for 2 day delievery and it only took 1 day for me to get it, thanks ups. I would like to start doing them instances there in hellfire, so please when u see me on tonight or any night just holler at augustious or mortimor and if im on augustious and u need a mage i will get on mortimor and visa versa, so lets get these instances so we can get some really great equip.Oh by the way i down loaded the game around 5:30 pm and was on till about 6:30 pm, got back on around 11pm and stayed on till 4am and was back on this morning around 9am and played till 12:30pm.So even tho i would love to play like 24hrs straight real life just won't let me, lol. but i have gotten my mage to 60 and augustious my hunter to almost 100,000 xp towards 61 and also got my dranei to lvl 6 in the time i have played, so i don't think im doing to bad.
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I got my copy on Tuesday (during the daylight hours! shocking) and installed it, patched and was up and going. I couldn't play much as I had stuff to do and class to go to that night. I ended up finishing one of the first quests in outland and got a nice druid staff. Yesterday I was iced/snowed in here in Dallas and had to "work from home" but since I had to do some actual work I decided to level a BE pally on Llane (my old pve horde server) since Cenarious has had some crazy queue times. Got to 12 playing off and on and will make this my official alt. Impending will be back to the outland sometime on Sunday probably when my work week is over.
