Bad News that is ultimately redeemed by good news!


New Member
Here's the bad news, I didn't get Eye of the North for Christmas.

Here's the good news, I got $50.00 from my grandparents on my wife's side, so I got Eye of the North for Christmas.

That is all, looking forward to playing with ya'll.
Well, I kinda got bored with Factions before I got nightfall. Then nightfall revolutionized the gameplay for me, and with all the new skills, dungeons, and stuff to do, I figure, EotN may do the same for me.

It might even make me want to start a newbie and try to get survivor again! We'll see when I get a chance to sit and play a bit.
Yeah that afk nearly burned me yesterday. I had to go afk for about 10 minutes.

I left my survivor in Ettin's Back. i was running to Aurora Glade and about halfway there so i didn't feel like zoning back to Ventari's and starting over. I stopped and made sure I'd popped and killed all the nearby pop-ups so i felt safe.

I come back 10 minutes later to find my health 3/4 full and 4 centaurs pounding on our group. I'd like to believe my heroes would have protected me but i quickly killed the centaurs and continued on my way.
Risky! I lost my last survivor in a bout of overconfidence doing hard mode missions solo (well, h/h) when I had no business doing so.

Also, so far loving EotN! Kilroy Stonkin cracks me up!