New Member
yes thats right everybody! ToJ is forming a B-Team! this team will be Led by me and Vanaze, Van's really busy lately so Feat (killa_s) is helpin me out with that, so if anyone is interested please post a reply with ur handle(s) and we'll get back to ya, we will be holding tryouts in the next week or so if we get a good enough response,

Having recently resigned from the A-Team, because of schedual (w/e it's spelled) problems I may be able to tryout. As long as the tryouts are on the weekend, I should be able to come. I'm guessing that the B-Team won't be as busy as the A-Team and that I will be able to play more with the members of the team.
True, but since I'm almost out of school weekdays shouldn't be that bad. The main reason for the resignation was the NWN chapter. Some of the stuff for that stopped me from playing as much as i wish i could have on the weekdays.
alright, well hit me up sometime on aim ("rockenoutloud") we'll talk about some stuff and i'll answer any of your questions
Cresh is jus like that cuz i out-grew him and gained actual "skill" so he has no meatshield right now. ( I STILL REMEMBER THAT CS_ASSAULT2k where you had me in the front as a usp bullet meatshield and you shooting them behind me with a dualie >:| )