Azami's Super Special Chocalate Covered Awesomeness Contest!!

Mordos - 52 + 1 pending WILD
Kristeen - 51 + 1 pending WILD
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Dragons) Which dragon intervened against Deathwing long enough to prevent the destruction of all the dragonflights? (4pts)

2. (Titans) Who were the seed races created by the titans? (2pts)

3. (Lore) Who was the first person on Azeroth to come in contact with the Naaru? (3pts)

4. (Lore) Who convinced Ner'zhul to attack the neighboring Draenei? (2pts)

5. (Lore) During Nobundo's countless attempts to regain his power of the light what element answered his prayers instead? (2pts)
Kristeen - 55 + 1 pending WILD
Mordos - 52 + 1 pending WILD
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Dragons) Which dragon intervened against Deathwing long enough to prevent the destruction of all the dragonflights? (5pts)

2. (Titans) Who were the seed races created by the titans? (3pts)

3. (Lore) Who was the first person on Azeroth to come in contact with the Naaru? (4pts)

4. (Titans/Dragons) The Dragon Aspects are empowered by the Titans. Which Titans empowered which of the 5 Dragon Aspect leaders? (3pts)

5. (Lore) Name all the people that Medivh had contacted in real life or through visions to warn them of the impending invasion of the Burning Legion at the Third War? (3pts)
These are the last questions that will be posted here for this contest, prizes will be given out tonight.
4. (Titans/Dragons) The Dragon Aspects are empowered by the Titans. Which Titans empowered which of the 5 Dragon Aspect leaders? (3pts)

Aman'Thul - Nozdormu
Eonar - Alexstrazsa
Norgannon - Malygos
Khaz'Goroth - Neltharion
Eonar - Ysera (A portion of nature)
5. (Lore) Name all the people that Medivh had contacted in real life or through visions to warn them of the impending invasion of the Burning Legion at the Third War? (3pts)

Thrall (through a dream)
King Terenas
Malfurion Stormrage