Azami's Super Special Chocalate Covered Awesomeness Contest!!

incorrect, she is probably the only Tauren that supports them but the Tauren as a faction do not particularly.

Here is Lore from Blizzard:
Why would Thrall, who has been presented as a good character, agree to ally with a group that were presented as primarily evil?
This was never directly addressed other than being waved off as an alliance of convenience, but most of the Horde seemed to either distrust or share outright loathing for the Forsaken. While other races started out on good terms with the rest of their Horde brethren, players rolling Forsaken found themselves at neutral standing with all three of the other Horde races available. There are exceptions, however. The Tauren -- particularly Magatha Grimtotem -- seem interested in working with the Forsaken and possibly developing a "cure" for their undead state and aren't quite as unforgiving when it comes to dealing with their undead comrades.
Here is Lore from Blizzard:
Why would Thrall, who has been presented as a good character, agree to ally with a group that were presented as primarily evil?
This was never directly addressed other than being waved off as an alliance of convenience, but most of the Horde seemed to either distrust or share outright loathing for the Forsaken. While other races started out on good terms with the rest of their Horde brethren, players rolling Forsaken found themselves at neutral standing with all three of the other Horde races available. There are exceptions, however. The Tauren -- particularly Magatha Grimtotem -- seem interested in working with the Forsaken and possibly developing a "cure" for their undead state and aren't quite as unforgiving when it comes to dealing with their undead comrades.

I'll give it on the basis that you have the correct reasoning to allow them in, like it says in the quote they start of neutral with most of the horde races including the tauren. They only start friendly with Blood Elves and Forsaken and neutral with orcs, trolls, and tauren.

The answer I was looking for was the Earthen Ring/Elder Council which is a society of shamans believing that a cure for undeath was possible for them and they had convinced Thrall because he too is a shaman who would listen to the council. And they are a subset of Tauren as they are heavily based on shamanistic beliefs.
Mordos - 17
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (In-game) Name 3 World events that are no longer in game and did not use phasing. (2pts)


2. (PvP) As of this current patch what is the Resilience Cap? (1pt)
Mordos - 19
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Titans) What epidemic forced the Titans to imprison the Old Gods of Azeroth? (2pts)


2. (PvP) As of this current patch what is the Resilience Cap? (2pt)
Mordos - 21
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Naxxramas) Which boss appears in the current Naxxramas of Northrend that did not appear when it was floating over the Eastern Plaguelands? (1pt)


2. (PvP) As of this current patch what is the Resilience Cap? (2pt)
You guys are lame! Anyone can use google! Gotta pull the knowledge from running around in game or your heads! :P
Mordos - 23
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Naxxramas) Which boss appears in the current Naxxramas of Northrend that did not appear when it was floating over the Eastern Plaguelands? (2pts)


2. (Random) Name the 10 Trial of the Crusader faction champions that appear outside of the instance. (3pts)
2. (Random) Name the 10 Trial of the Crusader faction champions that appear outside of the instance. (3pts)

Deathstalker Visceri
Eressea Dawnsinger
Mokra the Skullcrusher
Runok Wildmane
Ambrose Boltspark
Jacob Alerius
Jaelyne Evensong
Lana Stouthammer
Mordos - 25
Dradow - 12
Shadowbill - 11 + 2 pending WILDs
Xaveor - 2
Goodwone - 1
Samboe - 1

1. (Bosses) What boss currently in game that isn't a seasonal boss has the most hit points? (2pts)


2. (Random) Name the 10 Trial of the Crusader faction champions that appear outside of the instance. (4pts)
2. (Random) Name the 10 Trial of the Crusader faction champions that appear outside of the instance. (3pts)

Broln Stouthorn
Malithas Brightblade
Ginselle Blightslinger
Liandra Suncaller
Erin Misthoof
Birana Stormhoof
Gorgrim Shadowcleave