AVR and AVRE if you raid u need

omen tells u where to move by giving u circles of where things will hit. if you watch the you tube videos that they have on curse you will understand.
AVR allows the raid leader to "draw" things on the ground that other people with the mod will be able to see. This can be handy when describing positioning during a boss fight, etc.
From the developer..

Is this even allowed?
Technically, AVR and AVRE don't do anything that violates Blizzard's rules. When Blizzard enabled in-instance map coordinates in patch 3.3, this opened the floodgates for all sorts of additional boss mods like this. It is very likely that Blizzard will remove this functionality in the future, so don't grow too attached to it!
Yeah, I won't be shocked when they remove those hooks from the API. The ability to be able to see in real time exactly how big 10 yards around every player is, or the exact area that Malleable Goo will effect just trivializes a lot of encounters.
BTW, I did install this mod last night....we'll see how it works for the raid tonight.

Eating a bit of humble pie here i guess...I just realized that I should use whatever tools I can to make raids run more smoothly. However, I still won't be shocked if it stops working in the near future.
Heroic Rotface last night as a breeze with this mod. Simply get out of the red circles...it almost felt like cheating...
There’s a mod called totem range (think that’s it) that hooks into AVR and will show you the range of your totems, also will show you the range of totems someone else drops down so you know if your getting the benefit of them or not which is nice.
BTW I did try it as well, although on my druid it doesn't seem to help much, I’ am where the boss is regardless of what else is going on and most of my screen is filled with a giant boss so i don't see much else (Kind of like how a gnome views the world) :)
Someone has built a mod called HudMap - it's similar to AVR, except it projects data in a 2D map over your UI, rather than on the world like AVR does.


Is this addon going to get banned because Blizzard doesn't like AVR?
To head off the inevitable, I've asked Blizzard if this is kosher in light of the AVR breakage. They have not indicated that it is a violation of the rules. Until they indicate otherwise, HudMap will be developed and updated. The impression I get is that Blizzard's primary complaint was with AVR's ability to draw pseudo-3D images over the game world, which is outside of the scope of what the UI was intended to be able to do. HudMap doesn't do any of that.
-- BB from MMO-Champion (http://www.mmo-champion.com/news-2/hudmap-facebook-twitter-irc/)

What HUDMap does do is give a nice graphical representation of the radius of various deadly debuffs.
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