

Active Member
I just got an amazing iPod touch 4 (its amazing) and downloaded the authenticator App and therefore don't need the physical authenticator anymore.

A few months ago, Gilga posted that he no longer needed this very authenticator and I recieved it from him. I think it is only fitting to offer it back to the community that gave it to me.

So, if anyone (Tree) needs an authenticator (Tree), PM me your mailing address and it's yours, for free (Tree).

The first PM gets it.

Thanks :D
I haven't seen Tree on since he told us all he got hacked...Tree did you quit because of that? I mean...300k...I'd probably quit lol...
Tree got his account back (mostly with stolen goods restored he said), he was on a few nights ago. And he is authenticated. A few days ago the AH was back to normal, full of value-priced Darkmoon cards on sale from Tree ... not the case right at this minute, though.

Anyhow, if you don't have an authenticator ... definitely take Odale up on this. It's one of the first-generation keychain fob authenticators, Blizzard branded. It's probably a collector's item!
This is going to be needed when Diablo comes out too, so if you're thinking about playing and don't have one, definitely take Odale up on this offer!
Haha! Just saw this thread! Yes, I have the iphone authenticator! I did get the account back, and all the gold! (Yay!) I was missing 3 hurricane decks and a tsunami deck. (Boo...)