Au revoir


New Member
Hello, Forgiven. Just wanted to let you know you could take us off your roster. We have been playing this game for a couple of years now and my husband is trying out a new game. Brooke hardly plays, I just really don't anymore, and unfortunately, Brandon's grades have not been up to par for us to keep my account. Thank you for providing a safe, family friendly guild, if we ever choose to reactivate our accounts, we will look for you again. God bless, and have a great New Year!


Pinaii/Cyndra/Huntryss, Deathforged/Protpotpally
Thank you for playing with us and being part of The Forgiven Family. May God bless and keep you and your family. If your path does bring you back to WoW and Terenas by all means please comeback to us. Of course you are always welcome on the forums here!
Thanks for the heads up, your presence will be missed but we understand. As Mike said, may the Lord bless you on your future plans and I pray our paths will cross again.