Hey all, So I have a 3.5k resil feral druid and a 2600 resil H Pally now getting the pally up there..... But I'm looking for an arena partner for 2v2's as the pally and druid 3v3 as pally and 5v5 as both (if anyone is interested mail me ingame (Jaid or Tfopa) or just talk on here I'll be checking up every so often... As for RBG's If there is any interest I'm willing to lead it if anyone wants in... As for BG's if anyone wants a healer to tag along I'm always up for bg's as my pally and if u want some dmg and survivabilty (for WSG, or other CTF map) then hit up my druid k? Anywho just putting this out there hoping to have some convo's on this