archaeology -Anti Feral druid profession, what you can do!


New Member
Well got my archaeology up to about 370 now and looked at the rewards for the first time and realized something, there is ZERO feral druid gear in there.

Rogues may be in the same boat as there is no agility-leather gear but I think they have an weapon at least. Us poor feral druids have nothing, nota , zip.

I also noticed a disturbing lack of Agility gear dropping from heroics as well.

This point's to one thing, Blizzard is trying to chase away all the feral druids!

I know our guild won't stand for it so I came up with an idea....

I think we should have a guild donate to your local feral night, where all the other classes/specs give epics to your feral druids to show your appreciation of them! We also accept gold and or enchanting mats and jewelcrafting mats if that is more convenient

{ :) but they do need to add at least one feral item to Archaeology!}
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I noticed the same thing. Arch items were awful! So I just stopped doing the profession and am spending the time in the dungeon finder!
I think Blizzard made Archaeology a huge pain so only hardcore people would push through it. They will fine tune it in later patches which I think will also make it more profitable, more fun and with more purpose. It can only go up from here!
Good point Joe, but there's something else. I've been away from the game and when I do have time to hop into Azeroth, I'm too drained and exhausted to put forth a good effort in tanking a Heroic. Therefore, Arch is a nice way to get back into the game without requiring a whole lot of concentration and brain power.

(/cast Mute on all Officers & Rhys at that last comment)
But remember Rhys, Eric hasn't AFK wipe the entire group/raid before. :p
Rob- yes I haven't found much of anything to help my hunter. Sadly I worked on my hunter's Arch before my mage's arch. Now I have to go through it all again for the same reason as everybody else, I want that recipe to drop. I wish Engineering had more stuff to get. I am sittingon 8 Chaos Orbs and nothing to make with them that I can use. :-(