any Levelless AND/OR classless mmos?

Alright. I'll go for a different genre. Does anyone know of any mmos that use realtime combat. Not the regular mmo combat that things like WoW have. I actually want to have to aim at the person with my reticle, and have it miss if they move like in an fps or thirdps.

Age of Conan...but nakedness as well...
I think what you are looking for doesn't exist yet then. You could go ahead and try a month of Darkfall. At least then you could tell the rest of us who haven't played what it's like. :p
Lol Elader. I guess what I'm looking for is either lego universe, or jumpgate evolution. Ah, if darkfall gets a trial, I'll look into it. :)
I'm cautiously optimistic for Stargate Worlds, although it keeps looking more and more like it's vaporware. :(