Any druids:


Trieb of Judah Starcraft Series Chapter Co-leader
So this is so stupid. I honestly can't DPS feral anymore. My attacks are dumbed down by like 30/40% damage. I can only do 3k DPS on a target dummy. Granted its probably not the best way to find my DPS but still!!! I could easily pull 6-7k on a dummy and i cant even do half that! Plus any feral druid try an tank multipul mobs? I can't even hold aggro on 5 mobs, and they must have nerfed the rage because I'm getting NO rage from mobs damage/dodge/or crit hits! Plus the fact that swipe is now on a 6second CD and maul is on a 3 second CD! Lacerate only stacks up to 3 times!

I spend a little while in oomkin form last night and discovered:

1) Starfall is nerfed ... I got pwned by the tournament dailiy mobs.
2) Wrath was buffed. I was two-shotting mobs that it has earlier taken 3 hits unless I double-critted. And that was without me taking advantage of eclipse (see #5 below).
3) There was a lot of stuff to update ... select specialization, select talents, buy "master" abilities from trainers, re-fill glyph slots (I didn't do the latter). So I'm not sure I was even ready for prime time when I was fighting as I was kinda figuring stuff out as I went.
4) I didn't even bother to relook at my gear to determine whether the new stats regime means that my gear even makes sense and requires reforging
5) I have no clue how the eclipse mechanic works now ... I kept seeing weird graphics pop in my screen in a very Warhammerish way which I think was indicating lunar or solar eclipses but it was very weird.

Anyhow, I was never an oomkin who could do anywhere near "competent player" damage ... but it was clear to me that I was barely capable of grinding out a daily quest. The "reset button" that 4.0.1 hit is just dramatic. I think it's kind of cool, the prospect of re-learning ... but it's breathtaking the risk taken in the reset and makes me wonder what unbalanced nerf/buffs might be out there that somehow weren't surfaced in the beta.
I definatly agree with you on that one. They have made the game so much different in a single patch. I still will never go boomkin or resto. I'm always sticking to feral, so hopefully tanking and dpsing will be upped a little.

On another note, it really does seem like that BLIZZ is making any melee class do like way less damage. It is unbearable to tank anymore. I never played Vanilla so i dont know how tanking was originally. But to me, this is difficult. Granted I'll eventually figure out a rotation ISH and what i need to do to keep agro, but adding CD's on Maul and swipe is a little annoying. Great website for questions you have. If anyone is still feral, and wants some info, check this out.


The Mastery stat will increase bleed damage by 3.1% per point. We gain 2 AP per Agility to match other classes. Crit will now affect our bleeds, and haste will increase our energy regeneration rate in addition to its current functions. Without knowing more about our ability and glyph changes it's impossible to say much about which stats will be desirable. We've also been told that they are considering giving bosses in later tiers additional avoidance, which would change your hit and/or expertise caps depending on which instance you're in.

So i'm thinking haste will be possible worth looking for in gear. Not sure if its worth gemming into it, but we'll see how this all works out!
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Pretty much all melee got nerfed and all the casters got buffed. PvP is ridiculous... It's dominated by mages, warlocks and boomkins.
Tanking was horrible the first time I ran a few heroics but then I had to go back and rethink how to keep agro on multiple i started making macros.

I added cleave with every ability that i tank with and put it on a bar for example for warrs

/cast Thunder Clap
/cast cleave


/cast rend
/cast cleave

This will help you aoe and if you do not have the rage for cleave it will still do the original ability.

I also went in and did the same thing with heroic strike for tanking single targets like bosses etc. For example....

/cast Thunder Clap
/cast Heroic strike


/cast rend
/cast Heroic strike

I did a few heroics after that and the only problem I have now is that dps lays into targets too quick and i will not have enough threat generated to off balance their threat. So, if dps can hold off a couple of seconds for me to get rage I can safely tank multiple mobs and single mobs. All I have to do is switch my bar with the little arrows. 1 is for all heroic strike abilities and 1 is for all cleave abilities.

I am not sure if this will help druids or pallys as well but macros may be the way to go for now until everything gets balanced.
Well the only down side is that my swipe ability that was very benifical in tanking many mobs is now on a 6 second cooldown. I would put that into macros but wont be benificial because of the CD. I have a mouse over macro for lacerate and growl. Thats about it. Maul hits my main target and due to a glyph hits an additional target for 50% damage, with a 3 second CD. I could add that to my other attacks to get it off my bars but i still run into the issue of holding the mobs on me. With Mages/boomkins/locks all just blowing up their dps, and how much more damage they do now, there is no way i can hold them. It will be interesting to see how raids will be, if ppl will still try to be AoE pulling groups of mobs in ICC or if it will become something where we have to actaully watch what we pull and watch where we run and what not.

Another thing about Feral tanking is we get "Thrash" at lvl 80something, which is a 4 or 6 second CD and does an AoE and bleed affect on anyone infront of me, kinda like swipe. I think once us druids are able to get that i think it may be a little easier, between maul/swipe/thrash and the occasional mangle. Including lacerate stacking up to 3 and then pulverizing.

On a side note, i'm wondering if its more worth it keeping lacerate up, or using pulverize and restacking lacerate. Hmm....
i druid tanked icc last night, interesting and differant and more challenging. The 6 second cooldown on swipe means no more faceroll druid tanking, i found i was tab targeting like i was a warrior tank and using other druid abilities. the rage generation early is poor and the extended cooldowns make it harder so i had to make sure enrage was saved for pulls, and even with that it was not enough rage early. i lost an occasional mob on large pulls while waiting for rage and tab targeting.

i put swipe and maul on my 1 and 2 buttons and just contolled them spamming with my left hand not even looking at them and used my mouse and vision for other abilities, lacerate, pulverize and mangle. i kept berserk up which really procced mangle a LOT and was able to get instant cooldowns on mangle and it became the new 'maul' as when it procced it did not take rage, had no cooldown and hit 3 targets. maul was not a guanteed hold on targets like it used to be with its long cooldown, but i did use it every time it came up while tanking groups but you have to incorporate other tricks.

I also put pulverize into my regular boss rotation and I kept lacerate up but need to get an idea more of its timing as i think i wasted some rage putting it up too much in the rotation.

Didn't really know what i was doing, but I'm used to having to work hard anyway warrior tanking, lol. only person climbed over my threat was fierce and a quick growl knocked him back down. but, it was all and all definitely a LOT more work to druid tank and a lot more challenging. i was enjoying the ease of duid tanking over warrior tanking but that has changed now.....haven't even looked at my warrior tanking yet, yikes!

Whats your mouse over macro Xymnas?
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This is what WoW has been missing the past couple of years - players having to put some thought into what they're doing.

Xymnas pulls 11k in raids now, so it is possible. No more QQ

All other melee have been seen pulling their respective numbers with the proper tweaks and rotation enhancements (at least for warriors, rogues and DK's that i've seen)

Boomkin is rediculously awesome now. Not perfecting my rotation, I was pulling 13k at some points in ICC on bosses in the 1st wing.

This is what WoW has been missing the past couple of years - players having to put some thought into what they're doing.

Well to be honest I was holding at 9-10K in the VOA 25 i joined last night and was at the top for a little, then a rogue passed me up.

I was criting like a mad man. 11k's with rip, 9k's with the other bleed, 15k's with shred and mangle everyone once in a while hit for 7-8k. I'm really not sure what went on, or if the DPS in the group was awful? Not sure...

On another not I also did 10 ICC and got to LK. We facerolled every boss and even 1 shot sindy. I was tanking and was doing 7-8k DPS in tank. LOL i was above the DK/ret/mage/warlocks in the group (Minus manniefresh from fallen who ownes). I was shocked I was able to pull of that much DPS.

I pretty much found myself mangle/swipe/maul when up and have rage for maul. Lacerate 3 times and then Pulverize. If i was getting multipul targets i tabbed lacerate ppl and kept up the debuff stacked to 3 or everyone. It seemed to hold agro pretty well (minus manniefresh).

With the health BUFF increase deal, buffed i had up to 85k health. Just a few more pieces (Neck and ring) I could get over 90k easy. >.> I'd love to see that! haha
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I also put pulverize into my regular boss rotation and I kept lacerate up but need to get an idea more of its timing as i think i wasted some rage putting it up too much in the rotation.

Whats your mouse over macro Xymnas?

So I'm going to have to play with it and see if Lacerate with 3 stacks is worth leaving up and not using pulverize, or the build up lacerate to 3 and blow it with pulverize? I'm not sure yet but i'll let you know.

Another side note with mastery rating, your savage defense absorbs alot of damage. I was absorbing LK's 11-14k strikes. I reforged some of my gear that had hit and didnt need hit into Mastery rating. It actually worked out nicely and i'm up to 15% mastery...from starting at like 8.

And i've realized having haste in my gear is well worth having, again i'm not sure if gemming into it is worth it, but if its in your gear leave it. As cat i have about 600 haste rating (Which isnt bad but not good, although i'm not sure what a good number would be). And apparently crit affects my bleed affects also, hence me hitting 11k's with rip.

And on the macro's, i'll get to you in a few later today. Im at work right now bored out of my mind and dont know them off hand.
Xymnas: So I'm going to have to play with it and see if Lacerate with 3 stacks is worth leaving up and not using pulverize, or the build up lacerate to 3 and blow it with pulverize?

does pulverize remove lacerate or am i missunderstanding, need to go read up on it some more. i totally missed this.
Yah pulverize removes the lacerate, or "consumes all lacerates". Pulverize Level 80
15 Rage Melee Range
Requires Bear Form
Deals 120% weapon damage plus additional (404 * 120 / 100) damage for each of your Lacerate applications on the target, and increases your melee critical strike chance by 3% for each Lacerate application consumed for 10 sec.

So it can hit for a good amount of damage, but i'm not sure if it hits more than 3 stacks of lacerate hitting every few seconds. =\

And I found a DPS simulator for any feral DPS druid (AKA Cat)

DPS Simulator

This simulator puts me right at DPSing at 9k damage. and I easily do that. So i guess i didnt get to much of a nerf and no reason to QQ when i'm top of damage meters some times lol
yeah, just logged on to check pulverize, applying the 3 lacerates and then blowing it with pulverize, it seems to do more damage, but not sure.
Lacerate Level 80
15 Rage Melee Range
Requires Bear Form
Lacerates the enemy target, dealing (265 + (AP * 0.115)) damage and making them bleed for (5 * (21 + (AP * 0.0077))) damage over 15 sec, and causing a high amount of threat. Damage increased by attack power. This effect stacks up to 3 times on the same target.....

So if you ahve 6k AP in bear form, your bleed is able to do 336 damage over 15 seconds, times that by 3 which = 1008 damage over 15 seconds. Now include mangle on the target = 30% More bleed damage. So your bleed is doing like 1500 damage over 15 seconds. which doesnt seem right but....i think i messed up somehweres in my math. Anyways If you get 3 stacks and blow pulverize on the target you'll do 484 damage per lacerate that = almost an additional 1500 damage + the 120% weapon damage.

So i'm still not sure if its worth blowing the stacks on or, or wasting the rage to rebuild lacerate or what.
Just wanna let you boomkins know.... Insect Swarm is insane now for you. Use it all the time! One AOE pulls tonight the druid we were with was doing 25% of his AOE dmg with Insect Swarm, it was above Hurricane.
I miss swipe spam but otherwise tanking as a druid has not been to bad. I still don't get players that randomly start dpsing a target other then the one you are focusing on when u first pull. I have let a couple dps die that way to help learn them as they will get a real lesson when cata comes out if they don't learn now.