another one bites the dust


New Member
Hey all,
I just wanted to announce that I will be quitting WoW. I have really enjoyed playing with you guys, and the thing that has kept me playing most is the fellowship I have with Redeemed. I am not 100% sure if I am completely done with WoW, or just need a break, but it has grown old for me, and Firelands didn't bring back the zeal to play I thought it would. I pray all of you will be blessed and hope to see many of you on future games(SWTOR and Guild Wars 2 ftw!)!

God Bless,

P.S. I have jumped on the Rift bandwagon! join me!
Another one to Rift? Sheesh I've never even played it and I already don't like it, its stealing our players!

Anyways, I'll miss you for sure Kracer, go show those Rift players how its done. And may God bless you in all your travels.