Another attempt at Strat Dead


New Member
I've tried and tried, and just can not get a group for this place. So, I've posted it up on Group Calendar already and I'll post it in here as well. Come On People! lol. Anywho, back on track. Strat Dead run, Wednesday, 7pm Server Time. Sign on up Group Calendar please. If you don't have it, you should. Go download it. :p


Well, again there is no interest to head to Strat. No replies and no one signed up on Group Calander. Ahh well. Maybe next week or later on this week. :(
*cry* I was at work!! Try again... I'll come to one, when the planets are aligned properly :)

At some point, I want runs to SD - I wanna get my conjured cinnamon rolls!
*cry* I was at work!! Try again... I'll come to one, when the planets are aligned properly :)

At some point, I want runs to SD - I wanna get my conjured cinnamon rolls!

I hope SD wasn't ment to mean Strat Dead because the Cinny Rolls are in SL (Strat Live). :-D
doh... yeh, it was early and i was tired... I knew they came from live :|

I'm in for Strat (L or D) and Scholo.... okay, I'll probably come along with a group to just about any instance, time, space, and spouse permitting :)
I was out of town Wed, but back home now. Samsomite needs lots of runs thru strat/scholo. The only trick is starting early enough for me; I'm an old man that needs all the beauty sleep he can get. Anything past 7:30 ST is too late, unless on the weekend.
I was out of town Wed, but back home now. Samsomite needs lots of runs thru strat/scholo. The only trick is starting early enough for me; I'm an old man that needs all the beauty sleep he can get. Anything past 7:30 ST is too late, unless on the weekend.

Maybe this Saturday then? I should be home pretty much all day. I'd go on several runs during the day if need be. If you think you're going to be online for the most of Saturday, we can try to get a group, or 2, to go.
I always avoid signing up for events on GEM or group calendar because I can never be sure if I'm actually going to be on or not. The only exception is our guild runs because I make a point of arranging "baby sitting" etc. so that I can be free for the run.

If I am around I'm usually happy to jump into whatever run is forming (especially because I know that often runs get hung up for lack of a healer or of which I can help out with).