And who said some women cant drive?...*cough*

"Some" men can't drive either....personally, I wouldn't likely have taken on the challenge of that parking spot, but maybe she was late for the gym and didn't want to walk the extra distance.
I know some guys who cant park worth beans as well... :P

I was gonna blast the link Sambo linked but they did it themselves...

The city of Iksan in Jeollabuk-do has created "pink line parking" for women drivers in public parking lots... Iksan, chosen by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (여성부) as the first woman-friendly city... The "pink lines", painted pink, are 2.5 meters wide rather than the standard 2.3, offering aid to women drivers unskilled at parking....

You know, that actually sounds pretty sexist. Unskilled women drivers?

Also by singling out women for more privileged opportunities they are either accidentally or purposefully assuming women aren't as skilled as men are at driving, thus obviously being sexist themselves. I know some women who hate when the door is held for them...
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Love it when a gentleman holds the door open. As far as driving skill, it cuts both ways, some men can't drive either, or tank......sillyness.
