Allowing wiccans, satanists, and other non-christians into the guild.

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New Member
Today I left <Redeemed> after I found out in guild chat that as long as they have a sponsor, literally anyone is allowed into the guild. Not just simple non-believers, but wiccans and even satanists are allowed.

When I joined Redeemed, I read the information at the joinus page. It very clearly states:

Redeemed / Mustard Seed Conspiracy is strictly a Christian guild and will not admit anyone who is not a believer in Christ.

Upon finding out this isn't true, I wanted to discuss this in guild chat. I wasn't being argumentative or hostile, I was asking questions. And, this issue affects the entire guild, not just me or those who frequent the message boards.

I was told by Ionatan that I was not allowed to discuss this in chat any more "end of discussion."

So, at this point I realize that I'm in a guild that is running against its stated charter, does not allow this divergence to be questioned, and above all is providing an environment that is not at all what it claims.

I have a 9 year old son that plays WoW. I brought him into this guild because I wanted a good environment for him to play in. If there are satanists and wiccans in the guild, it is a perfectly reasonable scenario that they may discuss "alternate" points of view on Christian topics with him without my knowledge. He doesn't have the discernment to understand the lies and deception someone like that would put forth, and it could be very damaging.

The argument that these people would not be allowed to discuss their beliefs in the guild is very weak. These other religions are spawned by the father of lies, we all know that. They will say whatever they want in order to further his plans. A satanist or wiccan could wait months, being a good guild member the whole time, before finding an appropriate person to target and slowly begin to work on distorting the truth. How ripe a field is this guild for the enemy, knowing that our children who are at the age where they are starting to question the world, can be given access to them in a way that builds trust and communication?

And then to put the cherry on top, Draaco sends me a /whisper to the effect that he hopes the people leaving the guild are my characters and that I'm not trying to lure people away from the guild.

What kind of accusation is that to make from/to a brother/sister in Christ? At no point have I acted toward the guild in a hostile way -- I was searching for answers, and when I was told to shut up, I left the quild because it was apparent to me that answers were not forthcoming and the leadership of the guild was not willing to have their judgements questioned.

I'd love to come back to Redeemed if it were what it claims to be, but right now that doesn't seem to be the case. I will pray that the leadership of this guild comes to understand the impact of willfully allowing the influence of non-Christian and even anti-Christians into the guild, and that the leadership moves beyond an authoritarian "do as I say" mentality and realizes their role as shepards of this flock.

Fj and I are currently working on posts to explain the sponsorship program that allows non-Christian family members and friends of Redeemed guild members to join the guild. The program is a strict one, placing responsibility for the non-Christian member with the sponsor. The program was developed out of a heart for ministry in hopes that allowing a person who is not a member of Tribe of Judah to join the guild will lead to ministry opportunities.

We ask that you place a modicum of faith in us as we work on these posts and trust that we are not out to malign or corrupt anyone. Fj has poured countless hours into this guild, and I believe that warrants at least enough patience to wait one day for an explanation.
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