Allods: Anyone playing, or have played?


New Member

My wife and I have been playing the free WoW Starter Edition and are currently lvl 17. With only a few levels to go before we cap and have to decide on whether to pull the trigger on buying two copies of the game, I came across a review of Allods Online that sounded promising.

Are any of you currently playing, or have you played, post-beta? What is your opinion of the game. I have read it is primarily a f2p WoW clone, but that wouldn't bother me too much, if it is fun.
It is really good actually. I played in beta and then after launch left as the community was in upheaval over the launch changes.

I recently created a new toon and found it to be as good as it was before, its very smooth, nice graphics and animations and lots to do. Nothing that innovative to separate it from WoW except that its free!

You can get your own ship and ship2ship combat looks fun!
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I actually played allods during the beta . I found the story and game play pretty good actually. But like ewoks has said it's a wow f2p clone . I decided if I am going to play a wow clone then I might as well play wow itself .

I just came back to wow recently . after giving it up for over a year and I primarily came back because I love the lore . and also because I wanted to play a mmo that has stability , fun and alot of players.
I played in the Allods Online beta, right up until the PR nightmare that was the launch of their item store. I uninstalled the game after they took 72 hours to respond to user outcry (which marked a reversal of what had previously been a largely positive reception) and never went back.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. My wife and I will probably stick with WoW. We are pretty attached to our characters and I like the hassle-free nature of monthly billing. :)
I say WoW is an experience you just GOTTA have. Doesn't matter if you intend to move on. I think everyone should TRY WoW, and use that experience to judge other MMOs. Not because WoW is the best, not saying it is or isn't, but simply because imo you won't fully 'understand' the gamer scene without at least having played WoW to 85 and done a couple raids. When I select MMOs I always compare WoW as baseline, and judge its merits and shortfalls based on WoW. Even though I've enjoyed an on-off relationship with WoW for some time now.

If you can afford it that is. But it should be more manageable now with the #20 getting you all the way to WOTLK I believe. At your slow casual rate it could take AGES since you don't intend to pull a no lifer 2 weeks to hit 85 (though I recommend you do).

TL;DR at least get the battlepack, it's like 20 bucks per account and while 40 bucks is quite a big hit if you're not doing too good, I think it's an experience a serious MMO player cannot do without. If money's not an issue, GO FOR IT!

As for allods online, seems to be another generic F2P game. If you're going to go the f2p route, maybe consider D&D? Never played either but lots of folks seem to say it's the best, or at least not pay 2 win.
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@silverleaf thanks for the WoW recommendation. We pulled the trigger and bought the game. It now includes the first expansion and 30 days, so it was like getting the game for $5.
Good choice, hope you don't regret it. And I hope I didn't get you into even more trouble lol. Which server ya folks on?