All things come to an end...


Well guys it has been a blast to play with you all for so long. My time has been very limited as of late and alot of the new people do not know me that well. I am truely sorry for that, but it could not be helped.

The time has come for me to hang up my dragon fang & core hound tooth and focus more on my family. As some may know we have gone through a very hard couple of years with life in general.

I loved playing this game and played it pretty hardcore for a long time, but something else stirs now. My family needs me to spend time with them and just be available and around (be visible) and that is where my heart is also. In the end purple is just a color and my family is so much more than just a color... Take care my friends.


Randall signing off...
Perin signing off...
Ironwolfe signing off... and no you cannot have my stuff :)
You will be missed on-line Shane. Many people do not have the insight I have had on the hardships you and your family have faced and I have to say publically, you have demonstrated the Character of Christ in the face of adverse circumstances through it all. You have been a blessing to others in this game and you have been in real life as well. I am proud of you for your focus on your wive and your family.

I'm sorry that I didn't get many chances to play with you, but even your limited presence will be missed.
I'm sad beyond words to see you go, Mr. Shane. I hope you will continue to stay in touch via the boards and email. And please remember, you can leave the game but I think you've got a permanent place on my prayer list ;-)
As I have said before and will continue to say, RL comes first. The game will always be here if you ever decide to drop in and say hi. I hope things go well for you in this strange place we call life. Realize that we will be with you always as you will be with us. This might just be a game but you have touched our lives through it and for that I am grateful.
Our life will one day come to an end too. I am glad our friendship does not have to end now, and it will not end then either.

Thankfully, we are rich in Christ for he has paid our debt ... a debt that He did not owe, and a debt we cannot pay. For all who have received this free gift have eternal life, which is by grace through faith. This, Shane, is one truth that will never change. It is our cornerstone, and foundation, and is the good news that should encourage us greatly!

We will be home one day but while we are away from home ... we must work hard on the mission God has set before us. Let us all pause, and let your example teach us something. What is God calling us to do?

I feel very blessed to have met you, Shane. You are one of the most caring people I have met in a long time, and God has used you mightily to teach me to not be so rough, and overly judgmental. I won't miss you so much, for this is something I will always carry with me, but I will miss you.

There is something about WOW that appeals to us ... the sense of adventure, the battles we fight, and rescuing those in times of need. I hope you look at the challenges in your life in the same way, and realize that we stand with you bro ... some just have the honor of living more closely to you than others.

We are studying 1 Peter now ... who was writing to Christians who were suffering in times of trial, and I quote him: "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do no repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing."

Shane, you are a blessing to me bro.
Even when I HAD to pick on you, you always responded in a pleasant way and were willing to say hi etc. For young ones to lead by such example is a true blessing to those of us who wonder what will be in store for the next generation after yours. HUGS times at least a million and always know there are many more of those if you ever need them or even an ear to listen.

Blessings and Hugs,