All classes -- karaz.


New Member
Being a tank type, Ive tried to prepare myself knowing what to expect of certain encounters by reading about other peoples attempts and experiences. Ive made a few observations that i want to point out to help us all make runs go a little more smoothly.
The easy things begin with:

please please please make sure you have appropriate pots and that you are repaired BEFORE we begin. not to mention food buffs are great, any extra mana, stamina, dps or whatever you can get from a food buff works to your advantage!

Please bring appropriate gear. I know there is a lot of nice green gear but your goal really should be set to getting rare and epic if you are to the point of doing raiding. not much of the green gear has a place for gems to be set, so take that into consideration when you are choosing your attire. Dodge, block, defense, stamina and so on need be appropriate.

You may be assigned to a different position if you are a versatile class. Example: I bring cat dps gear with me, so if we have too much tankage or I just dont have to tank, I can pull out some extra dps. (no QQ Randy, if ron tells you to tank, you better tank darn it LOL)

Aoe classes, you have to watch your aoe. broken crowd control may result in a wipe.

Please make sure you listen to the raid leader. There are things they will tell you that are valuable during the encounter. Example being, on morose they will tell you what will break morose's debuff on you, dwarves stoneform, pally bubble, and pally BOP -- but do not BOP tanks. Our leaders are doing a great job so try to pay attention to them because they have studied and/or been there enough.

Play smart and be courteous, we are your guildies..not barbarians from the trade channel.

Having said this, im trying to point out things we should be aware of and more careful with. I know we are all new to these encounters which is all the more reason we should be more aware of what is going on to get the most out of a run! We have great Dps, healers and tanks doing a wonderful job! I think after we have run here a few more times things to discuss would be which tanks are the easiest to heal, which healers should be main healing and so on. And through it all, the most important thing is we have fun. Yes we will probably have some (or a lot..) or wipes, but if we are all doing our best..thats definitely good enough for me!

Goodluck to the group heading there on Friday and Monday!!
I posted this in another thread, because I didn't L2Read and posted first... but I'll cross-post here.

And I'll have you know, I upgraded my gear just a wee little bit in the past two weeks (since my last run) and it made a difference. I picked up about 400hp. This week when the Attuman made his random charge and picked me, I had about 250 hp left. I survived because I upgraded my gear. Big difference from two weeks ago.

One thing I'd like to recommend - anyone that isn't doing melee damage on the boss needs to stay back. Sheri & I both ran into mana trouble because of how much decursing we needed to do. When the boss dropped, I had less than 100 mana left....after using all the regen tricks I had available to me. One more round of curses could have been disastrous.

I'll echo Daire and stress that it cannot be said enough. Gear will make some of the biggest differences. I think that my gear is fairly good, but even a small improvement such as changing gems, dropping a little +dmg to pick up 20 stam, etc... made a life-or-death difference when the Attuman charged me.

Daire is spot-on when she says that greens usually won't cut it anymore when you get to raiding. There are so many awesome blue choices in SV, SH, SL (and even some of the 67-69 instances) that you really need to run those first. I'm not saying you can't come along if you don't have all blue - I'm not the raid leader, and even if I was, blanket statements like that don't always hold water. :)

Once you get a great item, you should also look into getting it enchanted. I've got a great 1h-sword... which I feel has the best combination of stats and bonuses... so I bothered to pay the big money and get a +40 damage enchant on it. It made a huge difference in my DPS. Don't waste huge amounts of cash on something you'll replace after 1 run to Mechanar, but once you get that uber item, buff it up.

Food buffs, sharpening stones, mana or wizard oils, potions, shield spikes... all can make-or-break a run. Like I said above, casters were running out of mana... so anything you can do to increase how much each swing hits for...shortens the fight. 7-minutes on Attuman is probably average, but we've been doing awesome, I think we can drop him in 6 1/2 minutes next time.

Little tips for the mages (especially fire builds) make sure that if you have Imp Scorch, that the boss has the 5 bonus damage debuffs stacked at all times. While casting scorch decreases your DPS slightly, it overall increases your fireball damage. A small tip that I've heard some people do - use lower ranks of spells to apply debuffs..they cast faster and cost less mana, making it quicker that you return to full DPS, leaving more mana. That part applies to frost mages with Winter's Chill, too. R1 frostbolt casts *very* quickly and still applies the debuff.

If you know that you'll need to use a mana gem, make the top 2 or 3... and 30 seconds into combat, go ahead and use the first one so when you really get to needing mana, the next one is already finished the cooldown. Same with mana potions, Eye of Mar'li, etc. Use your evocation during the downtime when Attuman first mounts up - the tank needs time to get agro, you need mana. Make the best use of your time and nail two problems at once.

Uhm. Rambling done for now. You can return to your normally scheduled forum.
Great post, yes these things are musts to successfully run any raid. I know that for me, even though I am lvl 69 I don't expect to be Kara ready for quite some time. I have to run alot of the heroics and the other lvl 70 instances before I am ready (in addition to finishing the key quest).

Play smart and be courteous, we are your guildies..not barbarians from the trade channel.


On a different note, I have been wondering what types of characters we have been needing most for guild Kara runs? Tanks? Healers? DPS? CC?

It seems to me that while I love tanking, we likely will have enough prot warrior tanks and of coarse we have at least one teddy tank in the guild. Should I focus on my cat form (gear wise) if I want to be useful as a feral druid? Taking a step back, is another feral druid what this guild needs for it's Kara runs?

For the heroics I have been building up my tanking set (you never know when it might be required), I have 2 of 3 heavy clefthoof armor pieces (I don't have the chest yet, but I am wondering if it's worth it since the armor is so low on that piece? I have a nice tanking ring from OH and a solid tanking necklace. I am wondering if there is somethings I should shoot for that doesn't show up in Maybe some other crafted or quest item?
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There is a misperception which I hear in the above post... the one that Kara is that much harder than Heroics. I really don't find it that to be a strong case. In heroics, you are in a situation where most pulls are tactical, and one person doing something wrong can result in a wipe, or at least that players death.

For Kara, its pretty much the the same, just with ten possiblities for accidents instead of 5. Of course there are 9 possibilities to recover, instead of four in Heroics (the other players).

The other differnence is of course the trash mob time pressure. This is higher in Kara than the heroics. The mobs don't really hit any harder though, and sometimes they actually hit softer than in heroics that I have seen.
I do not think you will find anyone in this guild who will tell you, you MUSt play a certain spec. I am a feral/tank, Jr. is a feral/tank, azolas is a feral/kitty (i think). When it comes down to it, you will probably find the most desired druid form is still going to be a resto druid for those super HOTS that keep the raid going! Good luck figuring out what you want to do!
There is a misperception which I hear in the above post... the one that Kara is that much harder than Heroics. I really don't find it that to be a strong case. In heroics, you are in a situation where most pulls are tactical, and one person doing something wrong can result in a wipe, or at least that players death.

For Kara, its pretty much the the same, just with ten possiblities for accidents instead of 5. Of course there are 9 possibilities to recover, instead of four in Heroics (the other players).

The other differnence is of course the trash mob time pressure. This is higher in Kara than the heroics. The mobs don't really hit any harder though, and sometimes they actually hit softer than in heroics that I have seen.

Most deff. can agree there. I've been beat on much worse in heroic runs than karaz. so far. In any case we should be careful with how many accidents we have, because even one accident could cause a wipe if not fixed in time. Heroics or Karaz, you gotta be on your feet.
I do not think you will find anyone in this guild who will tell you, you MUSt play a certain spec. I am a feral/tank, Jr. is a feral/tank, azolas is a feral/kitty (i think). When it comes down to it, you will probably find the most desired druid form is still going to be a resto druid for those super HOTS that keep the raid going! Good luck figuring out what you want to do!

I hear you, I remember that's the way it was with ZG runs back when 60 was max level. Still.. there comes a point where too many druids doesn't help a run, no?

I am inclined to keep my druid as feral, but if we have too many feral druids I guess I should wait until I have another toon at 70 and keyed.

Resto druids are great, but I think if I was going to bring a healer I would just level up my priest (who is still somewhere around the mid 60's).

I thought that Kara pretty much required the gear you get form Heroics, no?
Daire is spot-on when she says that greens usually won't cut it anymore when you get to raiding. There are so many awesome blue choices in SV, SH, SL (and even some of the 67-69 instances) that you really need to run those first. I'm not saying you can't come along if you don't have all blue - I'm not the raid leader, and even if I was, blanket statements like that don't always hold water. :)

There is some high armor green stuff out there that I see a lot of druids using. They say oh i have 6 million armor and 5 billion health..and blabla. The problem is this, that armor 1. cannot have gems socketed. 2. you are probably missing vital stats such as +dmg +healing +defense +dodge and so on. I was pvping with some druid and he had on all 65-69 gear mostly. All green. Every piece had +AP on it, but he also said thats his tanking gear. Where is the 415 defense????!?! Where is the dodge?!? My druid does wear one green piece, they are leggings however i have also taken the initiative to add an armor kit that adds stamina and agility. So, YES!!! absolutely there are some great greens out there, but you really are missing out on a a lot of other stuff if your gear is for the majority green.

Eventually, it will come down to who has the best gear to do the job once we are able to be more picky. You might be raiding now but if you want to continue get the best you can!

Randy can certainly verify gear will impact your performance, as he noted in his observations with some recent gear changes.
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I completely agree with all of the above, something stuck out that I'd like to address, this is probably already common knowledge but I'll post it anyhow :p

Attunman can be chain disarmed, if he charges while armed it hurts bad, if he charges while disarmed its barely noticeable. The warriors on him should work out a rotation to keep him disarmed as much as possible :)

Again probably common knowledge already, but just wanted to throw that out there :)
I don't know if we've been doing that or not but it's not a bad idea to throw that out so all of our warriors can get edumakated about it anyhow :)

Us dumb druid tanks can't disarm, so we haven't...