
Dark Virtue

New Member
What is the Christian take on aliens?

Please provide some support for your answer. In other words, don't post a message that simply says, They're Demons.

If you discount the anecdotal evidence of others to explain the existence of aliens, how can you rely on your anecdotal evidence to explain the existence of God?

Did God only create US in the infinite universe? If God DOES exist, is it possible that he created other beings in other dimensions and gave them other bibles to follow?
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Ephesians 2:2

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, Ephesians 3:10

I believe that there are creatures not of this world. Some, John attempted to describe in the book of Revelation, are far more beautiful than we could ever comprehend, those being the Heavenly beings.

As for beings on other worlds with other Bibles...seeing that God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever...I would guess, if they be so, they would have the same Bible!
AWESOME QUESTION!!!! I've been thinking about this one too.

I would think there ARE aliens out there. Such a big universe; why not?? Humans don't NEARLY have enough knowledge to say that there aren't other life forms out there!

I don't like anecdotal evidence either. It's almost like saying "the Bible is true because the Bible says so!!"
But I think we don't have much choice but to give what you call anecdotal evidence, since what we're talking about is not a law or theory that can be tested, but rather a being with a mind and conscience. Empirical formulas do not work on beings with will and conscience. For example, how do you prove whether a person can talk if that person absolutely refuses to, regardless of whether he can or can't?

As for the third is most certainly possible that there are other beings in other dimensions, but since we don't know of them yet, we can only act upon ourselves. As for other bibles, that's definitely possible too! Imagine the impact if we were to learn of each other's religions....THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOOO COOL!!! Wouldn't you agree, DV?!
Well for more information on this subject read;

The Facade by Michael S. Heiser


The Nephilim Series by Lynn A. Marzulli

And also see if you can't find the book of Enoch. Some people claim that it has now foundation and is false, but if it is false then why is it quoted in other parts of the Bible?
Because some parts are true and some parts are not, Phantom. Each whole has its bits and pieces. Some are good, some are false. The reason it's still a bit controversial is because we are not entirely sure which exact parts are true or false.
To try to be safe, people leave it to be accessed in a title that is not within the most controverisal Bible...for now.
Azzie said:
AWESOME QUESTION!!!! I've been thinking about this one too.

I would think there ARE aliens out there. Such a big universe; why not?? Humans don't NEARLY have enough knowledge to say that there aren't other life forms out there!

I don't like anecdotal evidence either. It's almost like saying "the Bible is true because the Bible says so!!"
But I think we don't have much choice but to give what you call anecdotal evidence, since what we're talking about is not a law or theory that can be tested, but rather a being with a mind and conscience. Empirical formulas do not work on beings with will and conscience. For example, how do you prove whether a person can talk if that person absolutely refuses to, regardless of whether he can or can't?

As for the third is most certainly possible that there are other beings in other dimensions, but since we don't know of them yet, we can only act upon ourselves. As for other bibles, that's definitely possible too! Imagine the impact if we were to learn of each other's religions....THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOOO COOL!!! Wouldn't you agree, DV?!

I don't think it would be cool at all :)

Look at how much trouble conflicting religions have caused on THIS planet. Just imagine the Jihad we'd have between worlds.
I see what you mean; I was mainly referring to how much fun we could have at discussing about the alien religion in the intellectual world...:D

But what say you to my analogy on anecdotal evidence as you referred to on your first post?
I think there are aliens out there, we can't be the only ones out there, they might be primitive or maybe 200000000000000000000000... (5 years later...) ....0000000 more advanced then us, but what I do know is that we won't be able to visit us, perhaps when they land on Earth we'll shoot them all down and then borrow their blueprints of their technologies, then maybe we can search out life.
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Azzie said:
I see what you mean; I was mainly referring to how much fun we could have at discussing about the alien religion in the intellectual world...:D

But what say you to my analogy on anecdotal evidence as you referred to on your first post?

What happens out to be melevolant beings?
If there is an Advance race of beings out there that have mastered there science of travels thru space. Why would they want to come to this planet? What benefit would and advance culture need for us here? No I think if I was part of an advance technology advance race of space travelers I would avoid the planet terra completely. It would be too much of a hassle, unless we needed the resources. Even then direct contact would not be on the top of my list.

I do not know if there aliens out there and I think George Carlin said it best when he made jokes about it. If there are it is of no concern of mine. I do not really care either way. Sure there could be life out there and if we found the basic forms of life on Mars, then it is likely. But then again, what does any race have to gain by coming here?

Why would an advance race want to come to earth, we can not even get people to get along together, in the service and growing up in the foster care arena, ( my mother ran a home for abused girls, all forms of abuse.) I have been so privileged to see the vileness and wickedness of the human creature. I would avoid this planet like death.

The things we have done to each other in the name of love, God, religion, peace and progress are always in my mind, and many times I have a hard time with forgiveness and fail.

My point is this; there is no reason for an advanced civilization to want to come here. If aliens are real, they affect me not, if there is a shadow conspiracy in the works (which I highly doubt.) It does not affect me either way.

Though it would be funny to have proof of real aliens, I would love to here who the aliens said they were and why they are in contact with us, and then see how the religious world explained it.

That would be ironic and sad at the same time.

And if he gave bibles to other races; oh boy, we’d be in a pickle wouldn’t we. I can just see it now, arguing over the chosen people, jihads, and galactic religious wars, it would be as silly as Gulliver’s travels and the war over which way is the correct way to peel an egg.

Silliness I say!
What if they come down here to bring us peace by effecting regime change?

Everybody seems to think, when they think of Aliens, that they'll arrive with a technological base that is on a close order with our own. It's more likely that there will be a WIDE disparity of forces and we will be in the same position as Elizabethan people trying to fight off Atomic Age foes.

Our best hope is that we get out there first and have the luxury of confronting the ethical issues of a first contact situation from the end with the option to orbitally bombard.
Along those same lines, I HIGHLY recommend these series of books by Harry Turtledove:

The year is 1942. In Russia, Hitler's panzers are fighting a losing battle; in China, Japanese invaders ravage the countryside; in England, the RAF watches the skies for enemy bombers; in Chicago, scientists frantically try to unlock the secrets of the atom--and in the skies overhead, an alien army launches its forces to conquer the Earth. Turtledove ( The Guns of the South , LJ 9/1/92) excels in alternate history, and this panoramic exploration of a world at war with itself and with invaders from beyond the galaxy showcases his fertile imagination. A feast for history buffs as well as sf fans, this title belongs in most libraries.
Careful, it's contagious :)

So what runs through your brain when you hear about poeple claiming they were abducted by aliens and similar stuff? Or do you not own a tv? :)

More importantly, if you honestly have never contemplated this topic, why not?
I don't dismiss claims of being abducted, too me it a "Coulda happened."

And as for why I haven't contemplated it, there is enough other stuff to keep me busy.
Dark Virtue said:
Careful, it's contagious :)

So what runs through your brain when you hear about poeple claiming they were abducted by aliens and similar stuff? Or do you not own a tv? :)

More importantly, if you honestly have never contemplated this topic, why not?

I have thought about this a little bit... as for issue of the existence of aliens-- I don't rule out the possibility that they exist, because there's nothing in the Bible about God STOPPING creation. Beyond that, anything I say would be speculation.

EDIT: I refuse to answer your first question because you're going to attempt to equate belief in aliens with belief in God. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. ;)
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Ok, DV, here is my answer.

We are not alone in this universe. We are surrounded at all times by beings from other dimensions.

These beings are spirit in nature and can assume human form. Yes Im talking about angels. The only life that was created in this universe in the physical 4 dimensional realm we inhabit, lives on this planet. When you take a good hard look at the alien enigma, and I have had a good hard look at it, there are many things that throw up red flags.

First thing to look at is alien abductions which most (not all) of the time include taking of unborn fetus' from pregnant women. Here is what I think is going on with that.

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Here we have the fallen angels mixing their DNA with humans and basically creating hybrid humans. Im not going to get into the whole "son of Cain" thing because that theory does not hold water when it is tested and translated properly. The reason the fallen angels where mixing themselves with humans is 1. the human women were fair and they wanted to, 2. Lucifer was trying to taint the gene pool to prevent the Messiah from being able to be born. How do we know that this was the plan?

9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

The main reason Noah was the only one to be brought through the deluge is because his genes were not tainted with that of the fallen angels. Apparently the fallen angels had been quite busy spreading there genes around. So what are the "aliens" doing today abducting people and taking unborn children, perhaps they are preparing for themselves host bodies for the roaming spirits of the nephilim. My definition of Nephilim(since i know you will ask :) ) they are the offspring of human and fallen angels mixing. Thier spirits have been givien a special punishment and were not allowed to rest as our souls are, but were doomed to roam the earth. There is a biblical passage for this statement, but i cant find it right now. It is my belief that this is where ghosts and poltergeist's and whatnot come from as these spirits roam and search for bodies to posess.

Another interesting thing to explore within the alien enigma is the fact that thier message is not one of technology, but more along the lines of spiritual enlightenment and earth worship. They want to help us to become transcendant and live in harmony with the earth. I find it hard to believe that anybody who travels lightyears to visit us is just here to help us find our "inner god" as Deepak Chopra would want us to. We have enough of those idiots already living here.

So what about UFO's you might ask? Well that is a deep subject and Ill try to give you the cliff notes version. It has been "discovered" if you will, that there are about 10 dimensions that we can concieve. Im certainly not getting into the science of that because im sure there is not enough webspace for it all. We as humans can conceive only 4 of those, the 3 we know and love, then time as a 4th. Just so happens that those who can wrap there head around these other 6 dimensions are small children and those who have been trained/taught in mathematics involved. The UFO's we see do some CRAZY stuff. They can materialize from nowhere, make right angle turns at unthinkable speeds, go into the ground, the list goes on. Regardless they dont follow any set of physics that we are accustomed to. Scientists who have studied this phenomenon have come to the conclusion they are hyper-dimensional in nature. So why should we be concerned with this enigma? I think that it is Lucifer's great trump card to try and sway those who are sitting on the fence during these times. When the great calamities fall upon this earth(as they are now starting to) and all of the sudden alien spaceships land on the Whitehouse lawn, peoples whole belief structure will be shaken to the very core. This is not something to be taken lightly because it has some very serious implications. When you study these things do it carefully. A great source of information for me as been from